🌷Part 1🌷

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Today's day was an exhausting one

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Today's day was an exhausting one. You sat besides the sofa, too tired to even move an inch as your eyes were locked onto the pages of papers Infront of you. You had written the first part of your medical exam today and some genius of a professor decided to make everyone write the second paper two days after the first one.

In the midst of your inner debate, on whether to be a good student and study like you are supposed too or just take a leap of faith and just wing the second paper( the first one did count more so if you do well on the first one it's basically a pass) you heard a knock on your window.

At first you thought the knock was a pigeon who knocked it's own lights because of it's  'lack to see windows' ,but the knock returned again. This time it was a bit harder and it came accompanied my a familiar voice you knew too well ,Hobie's voice.

You rushed to the window. Hoping over the stacks of paper that once took away your ability to even move a finger.

You uncapped the lock on your window to indeed find out that it was your beloved boyfriend ,Hobie.

who didn't look too good.

His mask was torn revealing the lower part of his face. He was clutching his side as he looked to even be struggling to support his own weight. It wasn't unfamiliar for Hobie to do this, to show up injured in your dorm room completely bruised. You once questioned him why he doesn't just go seek medical help at a proper hospital, but he insisted that he only trusts you and hates hospitals.

You stepped aside. Helping support some of his weight as he crawl-walked into your dormitory. "I swear it's just a scratch ,love. Don't worry bout' me!" Hobie groaned roughly as he tossed his mask aside.

Hobie groaned his way next to where your pile of papers were placed. He sat besides them not wanting to sit on the sofa in fear of getting it dirty. You didn't say anything as you walked to the bathroom cabin and took out the medical kit. Walking back to see him lean his body onto the sofa.

"So what was it this time?" You asked getting him a glass of water to go along with the pain-killer pills. Gently lifting his head to wipe the blood that was dried up in his face.

It proves to be difficult as he kept staring at your eyes ,not even answering your question. You shyly glanced at him before quickly focusing back on his wound. Raising your eyebrows in a manner that told him to answer you were waiting for answer.

Hobie's attention was broken by the slight sting of his wound. "Nothing much, just a run-in with a villain of the week." He lets out a small Chuckle,but is quickly replaced with a soft sound of 'ouch' as you rubbed an ointment on his wound.

You remain silent not understanding how he finds his state amusing. You moved away from his face and payed attention to his side. It wasn't a deep cut, it just needed a bit of cleaning and some time to rest then he would be back to his healthy self.

Hobie noticed your silence, his smug smile quickly faded as he noticed the look of concern on your face."Hey, babe, don't stress. It's just a few scratches. I've had worse you know." He spoke softly, his voice filled with genuine affection trying to smooth out your worry. "And I've got you to fix me up, don't I? You're my secret weapon.".

You sighed as you took a bandage and gently placed it on his side wound.

"I know, I know, but it's the third time you come to me with an injury this week!" You slightly raised his voice. You didn't mean to, the frustration and worry for his well being were just building up. "You have been really reckless this week.".

Hobie looks at you with a mixture of guilt and affection in his eyes. He reaches out to take your hand, his grip gentle yet firm. "I'm sorry, love. I don't mean to worry you, but you know how it is out there. We're fighting for something, for a better world and sometimes, things get a bit messy." He pauses for a moment, his gaze locked with yours. "I promise, I'll be more careful. I don't like seeing you upset.".

He brought your hand to his lips and presses a soft kiss to your knuckles. "You mean the world to me, and I don't want to cause you any unnecessary worry.".

His words brought you a momentary of relief. He was a superhero after all. You just had to put your trust in him.

" how about we go skating." You proposed an idea to him. It was something the two of you enjoyed doing .

well you enjoyed skating. He was just bad at it but hobie enjoyed watching you have fun. "You can't join me. You'll just sit on the bench and watch me skate.".

Skateboarding was one of your many hobbies, a favorite one because it was how you met Hobie. A skating trick gone wrong had you spiraling down the street, bumping into him with his guitar that you unfortunately broke.

"You're not just saying' that to get out of your study work." Hobie eyes the stacks of papers that were on the sides or you two.

"No." You replied with a mischievous smile. Looking hobie In the eyes as his face also formed an amused grin.

You and Hobie ended up going to a small park that was east of your university. When you both got to the park, the first thing you did was show him a new trick you learned.

"Okay now watch." You held the board close so it would not roll of.

"I'm watching." He was sitting on the grass. His legs crossed and holding your small backpack between them.

You chuckled at his response. "No watch the board, not me."

"I am."

"No , you're not." You playfully argued back at him.

"How could i, when you're so beautiful ." He complimented you. His eyes not breaking contact with you.

"Hobie-" you were about to sat something, but we're inturpted by his watch ringing.

Hobie's face scrunched up in a mix of annoyance and curiosity as he hears his watch ringing. He looks at you apologetically before checking his watch and answering the call. You could not make out what was being said on the other side of the call.

"Alright, I'll be there in a bit. Just finishing up something with Y/N. Yeah, I got it. Catch you later, man." He ends the call and looks at you, a sheepish grin on his face.

"Sorry, love. Duty calls. Miguel needs some backup for . . . some Spider-Punk business. You know how it is." He stood up and dusted his pants. He was still holding your bag in his hands. He took off his jacket and laid it on the ground before placing your bag on top of it, afraid of getting it dirty.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise. But for now, duty calls." He gently kissed your cheek. Looking at you apologetically one last time before he rushed of to a close location away from preying eyes to open his portal watch.

And you were left alone in the park. You sighed as you held your skateboard close to you and looked at the sun which was starting to set.

One more lap until I go back to studying.

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