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"What about Amsterdam?" Riki asked as y/n narrowed her eyes at him "There will be too many temptations everywhere-" y/n frowned, knowing very well just how their Saturday Nights in Amsterdam will turn into. A sinful night of drugs drugs and drugs, edibles on a daily basis, and a whole room for alcohol, heck even a bar in their own bedroom.

"Yeah you're right... What about Cabo?" Riki asked as y/n thought for a second "It sounds nice but... doesn't your dad run an alcohol factory there as well?..." y/n pointed out as Riki sighed "Well that leaves us Finland, Greece and France..." Riki turned to y/n who was gently rocking baby Kyle "You know... no one would ever predict the most ruthless drug lord Riki living in France, a country of romance and fancy cigarettes." Y/n pointed out with a smile.

"Okay... well we can leave tomorrow, I'll book some flight tickets, and get the maids to pack our bags" The male said as he kissed her forehead. Y/n blushed at his actions as she looked down at the baby "Aren't you a little cutieeee" Y/n cooed as the baby giggled, playing with her hair. "Ah- Kyleee- what is it with you and pulling hair?" y/n asked as the baby laughed, pulling harder.

The night went by pretty smoothly. That was weird... The baby didn't cry once. Frowning, y/n got up, only to see Riki wasn't beside her, she put on her glasses as she went downstairs, only to find the teary eyed baby, on Riki's lap, the two watching an R-rated horror movie, the baby had his headphones on, not hearing a sound. "NISHIMURA RIKI!" Y/n called out sternly as Riki flinched, waking up holding the baby close to himself as he turned to his girlfriend.

"SERIOUSLY?! YOU'RE WATCHING THE WINNIE THE POOH HORROR MOVIE WITH THE BABY?!" Y/n scolded as Riki blinked. "Sweetheart... baby- look! he giggles every time one of the girls get murdered" Riki said as Y/n took the baby from him turning off the TV.

"That stupid movie is 1% plot and 9000% violence! its disgusting and definitely not something you should play in front of our baby Riki!... oh god what if he grows up to be a serial killer...." the girl spiralled as Riki sighed, hugging her and the baby. "Oh babe... I'm sorry... he was crying so I brought him down and played one of the Muppet movies, and well I guess when I fell asleep he somehow managed to switch the channel-" Riki explained as y/n frowned.

"You expect me to believe that a baby could use a TV remote?" Y/n asked in disbelief, even though Riki was being honest, it just didn't sound right. Just as she said so, the TV suddenly turned on, the remote in the baby's hold. "Oh my god... he's smarter than me-" y/n said, gasping as Riki shrugged. He just got lucky with that.


𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓Where stories live. Discover now