♢ Prologue ♢

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"Kei! Kei! Please open your eyes! Don't leave me!"

He held the dead girl in his arms close to his chest and continued to cry in despair and mourning.

"Why?" He asked himself over his sobs, "Why did you have to get involved in this stupid war?!"

Fire and destruction surrounded the two as the male continued to mourn for his fallen lover. The Great War. The war created by the gods between different races to obtain the Star Cup, which has the power to do anything and thus will be the crowned the True God. After Tet was finally able to reunite with his love, she was ripped from one him once again.

Suddenly a bright light illuminated from the dead goddess. The boy froze and loosened his grip of her body to examine her. The golden light got brighter until it formed into a passage made of golden letters in the air.

"My dearest Tet..." A voice suddenly spoke.

The said boy gasped when he realized it was the voice of his lover. He looked at his lover in arms in hope but a look of disappointment overcame his face when he saw her still dead. He looked up at the passage before him and waited for it to continued to read itself.

"By the time your reading this, I am gone from the world. Being the Goddess of Luck and Fortune, it was destined for me to join the war one day. I feel sad for what the world has become. The place we love has been destroyed by war, selfishness, and death...

Tet, do not mourn over me for too long, for I will be back. I knew I was going to die one day, so I made a deal with the God of Reincarnation. Luckily he owed me a favor, so he promised that he would reincarnate me with all my memories. I can't promise that it will be soon, but I do promise that I will come back to you! I can tell you that!

Until that day comes please promise me  something... When I come back I do not want to come back to the war but to the world we dreamed to live in! Where all races lives in peace. Maybe even put a game or two in there to make it more interesting. Please promise me that you will do this for me. I know you can!

You will become an amazing God, my Teto... I have a feeling you won't stay a vessel for long.

Until I come back I guess this is goodbye... I love you, Tet... I always will....


Your forever lover and the Goddess of Luck and Fortune, Kei"

When the message ended the passage began to disappear and the light dimmed.

Tet had dried his tears and was now smiling to himself. He gazed down at the Star Cup hovering in his hands.

"I promise Kei! I promise that I will wait for you and you'll come back to a better place!" He laughed with a wide smile. His heterochromatic eyes gleamed up at the sky.

"I promise..."

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