⚁ 002 ⚁

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Here's the new chapter guys! Sorry I took so long! I was really busy as usual... (/•_•)/ Kind of short, but I wanted to give you guys this chapter as soon as I could. ANYWAY I was kind of surprised so many of you messaged/commented me to updated this book! But I kind of get why, for this is one of the only NGNL Fan Fics out there... HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY!!!!

[You guys obviously know this, but No game No Life is not mine!]

The streets of Tokyo, Japan was one of the most unique cities. From its streets full of pedestrians, neon-lit skyscrapers, anime shops to cherry trees and temples. Bustling sounds came from all directions.

"Sheesh, those two don't stop do they?"

A girl rushed down the busy streets to the nearest food market. She rushed in and quickly entered the sweets aisle. Her golden eyes scanned the shelves until she found what she wanted. She snatched every snack she saw and balanced them in her arms.

When she was satisfied with the amount of food, she quickly paid and ran out the store with her hands holding bags that were flying behind her.

She dodged as many strangers as she could and sped her way to her destination. She crossed a side walk and avoided all the screens that blinded her with an anime girl flashing her boobs or an advertisement of an over priced product.

Finally she stopped in front of what seemed to be an abandoned apartment, but she knew that a pair of siblings were just too lazy to actually take care of the poor home.

"Tadaima~" She called into the house when she opened the door.

She was met with a dark hallway. In fact the whole apartment had no light.

"Okaeri, Kei-nee!" A voice came from a room not to far away from the entrance.

"We're in here!" Another, deeper, voice called afterwards.

Kei smiled and walked to room that seemed to be only light source in the small apartment. In the room was a large amount of electronics, gaming consoles, computer generators, wires, bright screens, and more.

When Kei walked in she was met with two figures in the room who seemed to be concentrating on the screens in front of them.

"Win any games while I was gone?" Kei asked the two, dropping the bag of food on the floor.

"Is that a trick question?" The male of the two smirked.

"Maybe." Kei replied back with a small smile.

"Did you get what I asked for?" The second person in the room asked, crawling up to the bag of goodies.

"Hai, Shiro." Kei replied with a smile.

"Sora-nii, I think the game is starting." Shiro told her brother, looking at the computer screen next to her. Kei looked down and raised an eyebrow when she saw Shiro holding two computer mice with her feet.

"Finally!" Sora cheered, facing his own computer screen.

Kei walked up behind Sora and looked at his computer screen over his shoulder. She rested her chin on his shoulder and grasped her hands behind her back. Sora didn't seem phased by her contact.

"Eh~ You only beat 1,200 players while I was gone?" Kei hummed, gazing her eyes on the brightly lit screen.

Kei examined Sora and Shiro's battle. The only one left in the battle against many players was who they called the 'strongest', Queen. Kei then switched her eyes to the small chat box in the corner of the screen and read the many messages that consisted the words:

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