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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the beach of port-au-prince Haiti, Victor adjusts his camera lens, capturing the beautiful view and joyful faces around him. He paused, watching as Sorenne walk and talk with children near by.

As Sorenne drew closer, he noticed the glimmer of something profound in her eyes. She shook her head, but a smile broke through the worry that lingered there."You all right? What's going on?" Victor asks, concern etched on his face as he walks to Sorenne. She shakes her head, but a smile breaks through the worry in her eyes. "I met this woman today at the market who gave me the most beautiful blessing of protection for Angela," Sorenne says, gently running her hand over her stomach. "Hmm. So you actually believe in all that?" Victor asks, amusement flickering in his gaze . "Yes," she answers earnestly, before kissing him.


As they walk, they stop by a church and decide to take a look inside. The moment they step through the door, they're greeted by the sight of intricate paintings covering the walls, with a grand cross standing tall in the center of the sanctuary. The light streaming through stained glass windows casts lots of colors across the room, creating a serene and sacred atmosphere.

"Oh, my God. It's beautiful," Sorenne whispers in awe, her eyes wide as she takes in the peaceful surroundings. She moves to a nearby pew and sits down, her gaze fixed on the cross. "Jesus, cover this place with your love. God," she prays softly, as she looks around.

Victor stands beside her, watching the way the beauty of the place moves her. She moves to a nearby pew and sits down, her gaze fixed on the intricately carved cross hanging above the altar. "You think they'll let me go up in the bell tower and take a shot of the whole city?" Victor asks, a hint of excitement in his voice as he wonders about the view. "Mm," Sorenne hums thoughtfully. "What do you think?" Victor presses, curious about her opinion. "Go for it," she encourages with a smile.

"Let's go," he says, ready to head off, but she shakes her head. "No, baby, my feet hurt," Sorenne says, her tone soft but firm. Victor sighs, concerned. "We should go back." She shakes her head again. "No, you go ahead, go get the shot. I'll go back" she says.

"You sure?" He arches his brow, hesitating. "Mmhmm," she hums, nodding in reassurance. "All right. I love you," he says, leaning in to kiss her goodbye. "I love you," Sorenne replies, her eyes warm.


Victor walks around when the ground suddenly starts to rumble beneath his feet. He glances around to see fear etched on everyone's faces as they scramble for safety. Panic surges through him, and he begins to run back toward the hotel. The earth trembles violently, cracks appearing in the ground as buildings sway and crumble. People scream and rush past him, desperately trying to escape the chaos. "Sorenne!!" Victor yells, his heart racing as he pushes himself to run faster. Each stride feels heavier as he collides with others fleeing the scene. "Sorenne!!" he shouts again, his voice barely breaking through the cacophony of fear and destruction.

As Victor nears the hotel, a sudden, bone-rattling crash echoed through the air, sending a shockwave of panic through him. He barely had time to react before debris began to rain down, jagged pieces of concrete and metal tumbling from above. Instinctively, he ducks, narrowly avoiding a large chunk that plummeted just inches away. "Sorenne!" he shouts, desperation clawing at his throat as he pushed his way through the chaos, heart racing.

The ground trembles violently beneath him, causing him to stumble, but he pressed on, fueled by an overwhelming fear for his pregnant wife. "Sorenne! Where are you?" he calls out, his voice barely cutting through the chaos around him.

Then he saw her—a vision of horror that stops him in his tracks. Sorenne was trapped beneath a pile of rubble, her face ghostly pale, eyes wide with terror. "No! No, no, no!" he screamed, adrenaline surging as he fought against the chaotic scene, fear giving way to frantic determination.

"Victor..." Sorenne gasps, her voice strained and filled with pain. "Protect her," she says, desperation lacing her words as she looks at him, her gaze pleading.

"Hold on, baby! I'm coming!" he shouts, his heart shattering as he races toward her. With shaking hands, he began to clear the debris, muscles straining against the weight of the concrete as he lifts piece after piece. Time felt distorted, each second stretching into an eternity as the ground shook again, a reminder of the danger that surrounded them. Dust filled the air, making it hard to breathe, and all he could think about was getting her to safety.

As he clears the last of the rubble, he reaches for her, hands trembling with urgency. "I've got you. I won't let anything happen to you or our baby!" His voice cracks with emotion as he finally pulls her free, cradling her in his arms, feeling her fragile form against him.

As they make their way through the destruction, Victor's mind races with thoughts of their unborn child, a fierce protectiveness igniting within him. He can hear the distant sounds of chaos—the shouts of panicked people, the creaking of unstable structures—but he focused solely on Sorenne, on getting her to safety.


Victor paces anxiously in the sterile hospital corridor, his mind racing with worry as he waits for news about Sorenne. Each passing second feels like an eternity, the echo of his heart pounding in his ears drowning out the muffled sounds of medical equipment and hushed conversations around him.

Finally, a surgeon approaches him with a devastating expression on his face. "madanm ou nan kondisyon grav, e nenpòt bagay nou fè pou kenbe l vivan ap mete pitit ou an danje. Ti bebe w la..." he says in Creole but victor cant understand him. "I'm sorry, I speak English! I can't understand you" he replies, desperation creeping into his voice. Another doctor steps forward, a solemn expression on his face. "He said your wife is in serious condition," he explains gently, his voice steady but filled with compassion. "Anything we do to keep her alive will endanger your child. Your baby..."

Victor feels the ground beneath him shift, his breath hitching in his throat. "I don't understand," he says, panic rising as he struggles to grasp the gravity of the situation. "It's a difficult choice," the doctor continues, his tone heavy with sorrow. "We cannot save them both. We are so sorry. Tears stream down Victor's cheeks, his heart shattering as the weight of the words hits him like a freight train. "No, no, this can't be happening!" he cries, his voice breaking. "There has to be something you can do! I can't lose them both!"

The doctor's gaze softens, but his expression remains grave. "We'll do everything we can, but you must understand that the choices we face are dire. If we focus on saving your wife, your child may not survive. If we focus on the baby, your wife may not make it." He explains. Victor's heart aches as he looks at the doctor, the reality of the situation crashing down on him like a wave. He feels utterly lost, torn between the two people he loves most in the world. Every instinct screams against having to make such a heart-wrenching decision.

"Save my....."

I tried to make it as dramatic as possible but how was it?




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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