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Because of all the messages that were made to Juniper about not wanting to go to the woods, or she should to trick her, they made her be in the middle of the group. Sam was first, then Amanda, then Juno and finally Colby, who was holding the camera.  

"Alright guys, as you can see we are now in the middle of the woods, actually." Colby said surprised while spinning around to give the audience a full effect. "In order for me to be sane tonight especially during now, I have to be beside one of these guys, so something bad does not happen to me," Juno mentioned as Sam pointed the camera in her face, she was standing next to Mandy. 

"we are in the woods," sam said, as Juno and Colby both did a sing song voice of, "we are in the woods," Mandy chuckled. "they both call it perrons purgatory," sam said. 

"the house is all the way over their by the way," colby mentioned and pointed towards the house, making juno shake her head, creeped out by being in this situation. do it for the views, she kept on telling herself. "You can't even see the lights too," mandy mentioned. "Like we're deep in here," Juno chuckled. 

"that's what she said," juno jokes. they all turned to look at her, sam was pointing the camera at her, saying "aho," with everyone else. when juno gets scared, her humor goes down, anything could make her laugh. "it looks like we have michael scott with us tonight, welcome back," mandy joked along while hugging her friend, making the boys laugh. 

"well, we're out here now because we chickened out last night, and we were and are concerned for Junipers safety." Colby announced to the camera. "now, we're going to punish ourselves by sleeping in the woods tonight, Juno you can sleep in the house if you want to," colby said while looking towards her. Juno shook her head no. 

Sam moved the camera so it can face her. "Hell no! Just because i've been warned to stay away from the woods, I'm not staying in the house by myself for a whole night. Sorry guys, I'm running the all boys sleepover," colby and sam faked a whine, 

"we wanted to cuddle," Sam joked, making everyone laugh. "so, anyway, right there is where we are sleeping," colby started to annonce while he pointed at the big tent that could fit about four people. "you have no idea how many times it warned sam, juno and I that what we're going to encounter in the woods, possibly five different things, with a threat to Juni, are ba, more powerful," mandy listed off while counting her fingers. 

Juniper was now behind the camera, as Sam and Colby stood near each other. It was funny to Juniper of how different their styles could be, Colby was wearing all black with a hint of red while Sam was wearing a bright purple hoodie. "we have two cameras here, one with night vision we are going to put on the trail, and we are going to do an investigation with the alice box, right here, by our campsite." Sam told the viewers. Juno smiled, "yay," she said, making everyone laugh. 

as the boys were getting the things set up for the investigation, Juno turned the camera around to face her, "guys, once you watch the this series, please please please, don't at me and point out something that we missed, i've seen the ones where we were at the queen mary years ago and those were terrifying! So thank you in advance," she chuckled as she continued to watch the boys. 

"if something is right here that wants to talk to us, we have a device that tells you to talk to us over by the campsite." Sam said out loud. the four of them were walking around, and Colby was asking the girls if they ever seen a alice device before. Juniper has heard of one, because when she was about seventeen, her and her hometown friends went on a ghost tour, and they exclaimed some of the devices. 

"So Juno, you've heard of these," Colby mentioned as Juno nodded, and he soon turned to look at Mandy. "You haven't heard of one of these, right?" Colby asked the blonde. "No I haven't your going to have to give me the rundown," mandy said while crossing her arms. 

Before Juniper could say something, Sam interrupted her. "Oh my god dude, that's crazy," everyone turned to look at the device. "It's like it's a different color each time," Juniper nodded. Feeling uneasy. Colby was now the one who was speaking, god he looked cute in that hoodie, Juno thought. She quickly shook her head so that she could listen to him exclaim what the Alice box was to Mandy. 

"So it generates words based on EMF energy, should we start?" Juno nodded, ready to see what would happen. As soon as they wanted to start, it started spitting out words. 


Solid was the first word. "The r.e.m pod either goes off a little bit, or it stays on," Sam told the camera, but he moved his hands near the device which was on the ground to show the people who would be watching it later, what he was talking about. 

"But this is kind of an on and off situation, which makes it feel like there's a lot of people entering this space." Juno looked over to Colby, seeing him even for just a split second made her feel fine, he was there if something were to happen to her. "I was wondering the same thing,'' Mandy said, her hands now in her hoodie's pocket sense it was starting to get colder. 

"Divided," was the second word. 

"Remember what they said about the spirits here, theres multiple that are good, and bad, amanda you always talk about that theres a spiritual war going on," Juno was looking at her friend, wanting to hear her speech about the spiritual war. 

"Yeah, it's good and evil, and it's just a matter of what side your on, or if your willing to communicate." Sam nodded, then he pointed his hand towards Colby, then back to the house. "we are literally on the divided edge, the side of the woods and the forest are supposed to be more negative, but towards the house, might be more positive." Colby was shocked, his mouth was wide open, making Juno giggle. 

'They also might have broken yalls rem pod," Juniper mentioned as they watched the device go nuts. "I'm going to go reset it," Sam said as he turned off the camera and went to go reset the device. 

ronnie speaks | 

i never really know when to stop a chapter, but heres the next one! working on the next one as yall read this chapter! 

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