CH.5 - Shopping

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Travis pov:

It's been an hour of us just watching TV and it's getting pretty boring. It's a nice day out and id hate to waste it.

"Do you want to go to the mall?" I ask Dante

"Yeah, let me change first." He says as he stands up from the couch

"I thought that your pants are uncomfortable with your tail?" I stand up next to him

"They are but I'd hate to go out in sweat pants."

"How about we leave now and you can buy a pair of more comfortable pants to change into when we get there." I suggest

"Sure." He smiles

Once we get to the mall Dante quickly drags me to a random store. It's pretty popular and crazy packed so I hold onto the sleeve of his shirt as he walks around, just so I don't lose him. Once he finds a pair that he likes I take them to the check out and buy them. Once purchased I hand the bag to him and we walk to the fitting room so he can't get changed.

"You really did have to buy these." Dante smiles

"Yeah, but I wanted to."

Once Dante is done changing I look him up and down, I can't help but blush.

"Cute." I accidentally let out in a whisper

"W-what?" His ears purk up and his tail starts to wag

"I said that they look good." I try to cover up what I just said

His tail quickly stops wagging causing me to frown. We walk out of the store and wander around the mall. I can't keep my eyes off of Dante and his ears. He just looks so cute with them.

I know that it might seem like I have this huge thing for wolf girls but that's not completely true. I would go out at night and do random hookups so as a way of forcing my to not think about Dante, once the girls at the bars that I would regularly attend got the memo that I was just doing random hookups it got harder for me to distract myself. I started going to places that were mainly full of wearwolfs so that I could get a fresh start. I started to talk about wearwolfs more so that it seemed like I was just experimenting with something new. But the reality of it all is that I'm deeply in love with Dante and now seeing him with wolf ears and tail is making me fall more for him.

Once we wear done shopping I helped Dante take all of his new clothes to his room. I can't help but look at his tail as he puts all of his clothes away, I just want to let him...dose that sound weird? Me wanting to pet my best friend?

"Can I pet you?" I ask, seemingly out of the blue

"What!" He freezes as his cheeks turn a bright red

"I mean your ears and tail looks really fluffy and I want pet them." I try to hide my blush

"I-i guess you can." He slowly walks over to me and takes a seat on the bed

I bring my hand up and rest it in-between his fluffy blue ears. I rub my hand up and down his ears, gents playing with them. As I'm scratching behind his ear his tail starts to wag back and forth. The faster I scratch the faster his tail moves. I smile as I move my hand away from his ears and into his tail. As I play with his tail I hear a whimper coming out of Dante. he quickly stands up, blushing like crazy.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to..I mean I didn't know that i-" I cut him off

"No, I'm sorry. I should have asked if I could touch your tail. I didn't know that it was so sensitive." I blush

"I-i didn't know either."

"I-i won't do it again, promise." I watch as his ears go down

"I-i kinda liked it.. sorry if that seems weird or-" I cut him off again

"I mean, I can keep going." I blush even more

He pauses for a moment before going back to where he was once sitting. I bring my hand to his tail and start playing with it. His tail is wagging really fast and I watch as Dante grab a pillow and bring it to his face, eventually soft moans come muffled out of the pillow. I blush, not wanting to stop but wanting to do more. I grab the pillow and take it away from him, throwing it in the floor. His moans are now ecoing through the room. He turns to look at me, covering his mouth with his hands. I move his hands and pull him into a kiss. I've been waiting for this for so long, his moans vibrates throu my mouth, feeling like fireworks exploding. Once we separate his eyes are wide.

"Fuck, s-sorry. I know I should have ask first and-" he cuts me off with a kiss

"I've been waiting for that." He smiles

"R-really?" I stutter

"Yeah, I've liked you for so long."

"Same..fuck i want to kiss you again." I blush

"Then do it~" he whispers as he leans closer to me

We kiss once again before eventually separating.

"So..what are we now?" He asks

I look him up and down with a blush. Fuck, he just looks so cute.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, nervously

"Yes, obviously!" He tackles me into a hug

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