Tie Down Party 1 - Kink Unlocked

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What better way to celebrate a birthday than a helpless boy?

This first one is pretty chaste, so take your eyes elsewhere if you want a quick hit. The first two Tie downs have some true story in them, which is part of the reason for the slow start. 

It started innocently enough. We were finally deemed old enough to watch the sparkly vampire movies at Olivia's birthday sleepover. Each of us having already consumed this bit of pop culture the moment our technical savvy eclipsed that of our parents, we grew quickly bored. Enter Max, Olivia's twin brother.

The modesty provided by our sleep shirts had faded over the years in the face of our lengthening bodies, but it wasn't modesty we missed. I think Oliva was the only one annoyed by Max's continued hovering. He had seen something he liked, and nothing short of parental involvement was going to get him to take his poorly disguised ogling elsewhere. He had the beginnings of one of those lean, muscled bodies that tortures teenage girls everywhere.

Jesica, who should probably carry the title "the Bold", decided a tickle fight was in order. Laughter, wriggling around, legs flying in the air. By the time she grabbed his wrist and tugged him in to join us, he was drooling. I don't know about the rest of them, but I was eager to get my hands on him.

Max, unfortunately, was a dumb boy. He totally missed the point, getting way too aggressive and using those damn muscles to 'win'. Tickle me just right, maybe I 'accidentally' flash my panties. Digging your fingers into my waist until I can't breathe from laughing and my shirt has ridden up past my belly button? Not cool, bro.

"Hey," barked Jesica, "party foul. Max, you're out."

"What? What did I do?"

"You know what you did, you pervert." Oliva was pissed. "I'm telling mom."

I had mixed feelings. We had kind of set him up, so I didn't want him to get into too much trouble. I would also probably have bruises to show, so I did want to see him suffer a little. "Wait. What if we tied him down?"

I think all six of us, including Max, thought this was the best idea we'd ever heard.

The application wasn't great. A belt from one of Olivia's robes tied to the leg of the couch, and a leather belt sinched to hold his ankles together and he was stretched out on the rec room floor. Then we mostly chickened out. I ran my hand over his bare chest, but even that felt like it meant something.

"Lipstick!" offered Brin, as if that was the answer to the question none of us were asking. It wasn't the worst idea. We took turns applying lipstick kisses to his body, especially on the numerous paintball bruises from his own birthday party. It was also a great way to dispose of the various cheap lip color Olivia had collected through her early teens that she was never going to wear again.

The best part was the progression. At first, there were lots of nice, chaste places to leave a mark when it was our turn. Hands, shoulders, shins. That sort of thing. Then it was cheeks and chest and knees. I think the best moment of the whole night was the look the siblings exchanged after she kissed him just above his nipple.

I had my eye on the little patch of skin between his navel and the top of his shorts, a light trail of hair leading to parts unknown. My turn was next, and I feared it wouldn't be there for me if I let it go another round. No one was giggling any more. This had become serious, no longer a game to be played with a light heart.

I leaned in for the kiss, smiling as I drank in the too heavy cologne he'd bathed himself in for the occasion. I focused on him watching me from the right and not what might be going on just to the left of my cheek. He made a little sound, like a far of whine, when my lips pop against his skin.

Or maybe it was me.

Either way, that was the end of the game. Someone reached their tipping point, the stress outweighing the fun. He got tickled. Hard. I dug my nails into his flesh, a little revenge.

The couch lurched, even though there were two girls sitting on it. A second later, Max was free and bent on revenge. The girl he went after gave a parent summoning shriek and we all froze. We did not want this little display of depravity to see the light of day. Max freed his legs and retreated to his room for the night, playing Call of Duty, I'm sure.

Thus ended tie down party #1. I may have played some extra Call of Duty over the next few weeks as well. 

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