sweet as cherry wine - 2

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Making his way to the door he puts on a pair of boots. Combat boots are his shoe of choice, it seems. Just - boots in general. Even in warm weather he tends to wear them. Sneakers exist for sure, and he does wear them.. Just less often. In a lot of photos he's wearing boots, often accompanied with a black shirt or black jacket - man he wears a lot of black..

As the two made their way out of his flat, they made small talk, which quickly became involved with the weather once they stepped outside. It was a nice day to take a long walk; they had other plans of course, but maybe, if the weather continues to be nice on a day where they're both free, they could maybe plan that out. It was warm out too.

The sun hit them pleasantly, warming their skin. However, their eyes were not as warmed by the sun's embrace. Given their lighter eye color, whenever the sunlight hit them, it hurt an incredible amount. As pretty as they looked in the sun, it wasn't worth it. Thankfully, it was closer to the evening now, so it wasn't as big of an issue. The trees were fully bloomed, which provided shade too.

Still though, they brought sunglasses with them just in case. It's good to have a pair on hand.

The drive to their destination wasn't long by any means. Still they talked, and talked, all the way there. Ever since meeting Till, Nicole found that she's been more social than ever.

Soon enough, in what felt like a blink of an eye almost, she was linked arm in arm with Till, in front of people. Not strangers, they were his friends, and technically hers. They were his band mates, and some other folk that weren't as important to her.

Releasing each other's arms they greet their familiars, almost immediately engaging in separate conversations. 
Richard Kruspe, one of the guitarists, and one of Till's closer friends sat up with a small smile, going to greet Nicole.

"Nicole! It's been a minute since we last talked; how've you been?" He asked, his tone being relatively enthusiastic. It's always nice to see her, not only is she a mutual friend but she's also just an incredible person in general. Till talks about her a lot, he's.. Incredibly enamored with her, as far as he can tell. He always speaks about her with this deeply passionate tone, and whenever they talk he seems as light as air - it was nice to see him happy, that's not a thing he does often; be happy. Nicole smiled, happy to see a familiar face.
"I've been doing well, and you?"

"Not bad myself - glad to hear you're doing well." His smile dissipated into a fainter one, his expression still warm and welcoming however.

He's heard a lot about Nicole, mainly from Till. The entire band has - they've all heard some pretty worrying things about her, about her life. Till isn't the type to share every little thing but some things - some things just rub him horribly wrong, and make him visibly worried.

As of late though Nicole has actually been doing pretty well, she's gone through a lot of personal growth.. She often credited Till for her getting better, not in full, but she often expressed immense and sincere gratitude towards him, whenever she could

"You're very considerate, Richard. How'd the tour go? I heard from Till he could barely feel his legs when he got home.." She chuckled a bit, she's seen Till perform many times, it was no wonder he was so exhausted, although she couldn't help but wonder how many times it's gotten to the point where his legs went numb. Maybe he was exaggerating the severity a little bit, but probably not.

"Seriously? I knew he was exhausted but I didn't know his legs went numb. Goddamn.." He muttered under his breath, shaking his head a little. He was kind of amused, but a bit taken aback. To be fair, Till is extremely devoted to his performances, always has been, he often doesn't give himself breaks either, both Nicole and Richard know that.

"Mhm, he did nothing but sleep for two days, apparently." She added."How's he feeling now?" He asked curiously, a brow slightly raised.

"Way better, he definitely needed the rest.."

"No kidding." He commented, before sighing. "Oh, right - the tour. It went well! It's a shame you couldn't make it.."

"Yeah.. I think hearing about it from you guys - mainly Till, is enough."

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