Quirk: animate

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Animate is a powerful emitter-type quirk that allows the user to breathe life into inanimate objects. By touching an object that isn't already living, the user can animate it, granting it motion and purpose as determined by the user's will. The size, complexity, and duration of the animation are directly proportional to the user's stamina and focus

Quirk Type: Emitter


Enhanced Spatial Awareness: The user gains heightened spatial awareness, enabling precise control over multiple objects simultaneously

Refined Tactile Sensitivity: The user's sense of touch becomes more acute, allowing them to perceive minute details in the objects they animate, which assists in manipulating them with greater precision

Mental Fortitude: Constant use of the quirk bolsters the user's mental resilience and focus, allowing for the continuous control of complex animated objects without succumbing to mental strain


Squash Stretch: million block Cannon(The user animates millions of small, block-shaped items, such as bricks or building materials, gathering them into a dense formation. With a powerful mental command, these blocks are then launched at high speeds toward the target, creating an overwhelming barrage capable of demolishing structures or overwhelming opponents)

Million Daggers(The user collects and animates millions of sharp objects, such as knives, shuriken, or even broken glass. These objects are then directed at the target with incredible speed and precision, creating a deadly hail of projectiles that can pierce through most defenses)

Corpse Army(By animating deceased bodies, the user creates a legion of undead puppets under their command. These animated corpses retain their physical capabilities from life but move according to the user's will, making them formidable in both offensive and defensive scenarios. The corpses can be used to swarm opponents, create barriers, or execute coordinated attacks)

Sword Canon(This technique begins with the user blocking an incoming attack with their katana. Following the block, the user performs a quick slash at the opponent and then animates their katana, which springs out of its sheath with incredible force, delivering a surprise attack. After executing the slash, the katana swiftly returns to its sheath, ready for the next action)

Sword Cyclone(The user starts with a downward slash on the opponent, followed by an upward slash. During this motion, the user animates their katana to continue the upward slashing motion repeatedly, effectively turning it into a spinning buzzsaw that relentlessly cuts into the opponent. The katana then returns to the user’s hand, who has already repositioned behind the opponent, moving so quickly that the enemy doesn't notice)

Awaken(The user injects themselves with a substance known as Trigger, which enhances all of their quirk abilities. This state increases the user's stamina, mental acuity, and the potency of their animations, removing the typical limitations of the quirk. However, this state requires careful management to avoid severe fatigue after the effect wears off)

Arise(Placing their hand on the ground, the user animates the earth itself, causing spikes to shoot up from the ground in the direction of their enemies. This technique can be used to trap, impale, or obstruct opponents, creating a dynamic and unpredictable battlefield)

Animate Meteor Shower(The user animates millions of block-shaped items and sends them high into the air. Once at a significant altitude, the user directs these blocks to rain down upon the battlefield, creating a devastating meteor shower effect that bombards everything below)

Scythe Tornado(Animating their scythe, the user throws it with incredible force and speed. As it spins through the air, it generates a tornado-like effect, pulling in and slicing through anything caught within its path. The scythe’s motion is controlled by the user's will, allowing for precise targeting)

Animate Enhance(By animating their own clothing and equipment, the user enhances their physical abilities, such as speed, strength, and agility. This allows the user to perform feats of athleticism and combat prowess that would otherwise be impossible)

Crazy Monkey(Utilizing both Animate Enhance and Blink, the user flips and slashes through the battlefield in a frenzied dance of destruction. This technique allows the user to strike multiple targets in rapid succession, hitting everything within their vicinity with deadly precision)

Meteor Shower(The user animates a vast array of missiles, either from existing weaponry or objects fashioned into makeshift missiles. These missiles are then launched in a coordinated bombardment, saturating the battlefield with explosive force)

Scythe Dance(The user animates Crimson Edge, their scythe, to perform a relentless barrage of spinning attacks. The scythe dances around the target or targets, slicing and dicing with a flurry of rapid, precise strikes that leave little room for escape or counterattack)

Animate Jet(By animating a slab of stone or similar material, the user creates a makeshift jet or hoverboard. This allows for high-speed movement across the battlefield, granting the user a significant mobility advantage)

Animate Spears(The user gathers and animates sharp objects like shattered glass, knives, or broken blades, then sends them hurtling at the target at high speeds. This technique is useful for both offense and defense, capable of overwhelming an opponent or deflecting incoming attacks)


Stamina Management: The user’s ability to animate objects is limited by their physical and mental stamina. The larger and more complex the object, the more stamina it requires to animate and control it. Prolonged or excessive use of the quirk can lead to exhaustion, reducing the user’s effectiveness in battle and leaving them vulnerable


Crimson Edge (A scythe with a crimson crescent blade, which can be animated to perform various cutting and spinning techniques)

Blink (A black katana with a red-edged blade and a serrated bit close to the handle. This weapon is designed for both swift strikes and enhanced cutting power)

A Bunch of Knives (A collection of knives of various sizes and shapes, used for throwing or close-quarters combat. These knives can be animated individually or in groups for coordinated attacks)

Trigger (A drug used to enhance the power of the quirk, increasing the user's abilities and temporarily removing the limitations on their stamina and control)

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