Chapter 11

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"we need to cancel this wedding", Y/n spoke looking at her father in the eyes

"Y/n, what are you saying?" her father inquired, puzzled.

"Believe me dad, this marriage won't last!" Y/n spoke in a tone that was almost yelling.

"Is there any problem? " Mr. Park attempted to inquire

"No! There's no problem", ahn yeop lied, he grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled her to the side.

"Y/n it's too late now. I can't back away right now, it's not only about the company now, it about our reputation too!", ahn yeop explained.

"What?! Reputation? You care about your reputation, what about me? Dad I know you have to pay them double the amount. And I'll help you with it, but I can't marry him!", Y/n was enraged, she didn't know that the family reputation was this important to her father.

"Y/n, child don't do this. I know that this family will keep you happy at all times, you'll be happy there, trust me." Ahn yeop's face was screwed up at this point.

"Dad are you sure? But I think this will go down hill soon", Y/n stammered.

"Please do me a favor this once, and I am confident you will never complain," Ahn Yeop insisted.

{Her parents had given her everything she asked for, and she had never complained to them about anything. Y/n believed that her father was right, and that he only wanted the best for her. She wanted to pay her father back for what he had done for her, for his caring nature towards her, for everything. She did what she could because this was her chance to support her father. She agreed.}

"Okay.. I'- I'll marry him", Y/n mumbled while she turned around to face her soon to-be husband.

{Y/n looked up into Jimin's eyes, his eyes were cold. He stood there as if he was a statue, he kept glancing at his father from time to time.}

"Okay, let's begin the ceremony!", the priest started.

The priest looked at them both and brightly smiled, saying, "You both can hold hands now."

{Jimin extended his hands futher, but Y/n was frozen in her spot.}

"Y/n give forward you hand." Ahn yeop announced.

{Y/n took hold of Jimin's hands, a gasp fleeing Y/n's lips as his hands were as cold as his expression, which held Y/n's small, pale hands ever so slightly. }

"Now, I'll dictate the vows to you both", the priest explained.

"Jmin do you take this woman, standing by your side to be your wedded wife, do you promise to cherish, to honour and sustain her, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to her in all the things until death parts you both?", the priest spoke and looked at Jimin.

Jimin inhaled deeply before saying, "I do", the words came out as a whisper but audible.

"Very well." The priest turned in Y/n's direction and spoke. "Y/n do you take this man, standing by your side to be your wedded husband, do you promise to cherish, to honour and sustain him, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to him in all the things until death parts you both?"

{There was silence for a couple of seconds, Y/n looked at Jimin and than at her father, who signaled her to continue.}

"I do", Y/n said and everyone applauded, a tear unknowingly escaped from her eyes, she quickly wiped it.

{Jimin held Y/n's left hand and put a ring on her ring finger, the ring was shining, it had a big diamond on it. Y/n did the same. Both the families gave speeches and the wedding came to an end. }

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