The Serpent's Path

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Harry stood in the Great Hall, the Sorting Hat perched precariously on his head. The entire hall watched with bated breath as the hat deliberated. "Hmm, difficult, very difficult," it murmured. "Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent, oh my goodness, yes—and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?"

Harry clenched his fists, his heart pounding in his chest. He had hoped for Gryffindor, like his parents, but the hat seemed to be considering something else. "Not Slytherin, not Slytherin," Harry thought desperately.

"Not Slytherin, you say? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It's all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No? Well, if you're sure—better be... SLYTHERIN!"

The hall erupted into whispers and gasps. Harry felt his face flush as he removed the hat and made his way to the Slytherin table. Draco Malfoy, who had been sorted earlier, smirked and clapped Harry on the back. "Welcome to Slytherin, Potter," he said, his voice dripping with an odd mix of sarcasm and sincerity.

As Harry sat down, he felt the eyes of the entire school on him, especially those of the Gryffindor table. Ron Weasley, who he had met on the train, looked particularly shocked and disappointed. Harry tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach and focused on the Slytherin students around him. Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson introduced themselves, while Crabbe and Goyle hovered near Draco, casting suspicious glances at Harry.

The feast began, and Harry tried to immerse himself in the conversation around him. Snape, the head of Slytherin house, gave Harry a curt nod from the staff table, his expression unreadable. The food was delicious, but Harry found it hard to enjoy it fully. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had just crossed a threshold into a world he didn't quite understand.

As the night wore on, Harry followed the other first-year Slytherins down to the dungeons where their common room was located. The stone walls and greenish glow from the Black Lake outside gave the room an eerie, yet oddly comforting feel. Harry found himself a bed in the dormitory and lay down, staring at the canopy above him, his mind racing with thoughts of what the future held.

Harry felt lost but tried to embrace his new life as a Slytherin. Over the next few weeks, he found himself gradually making friends with the other first years. Draco Malfoy, though still arrogant, showed Harry the ropes of Slytherin life. Blaise Zabini, with his quiet wisdom, became someone Harry could talk to about his doubts and fears. Pansy Parkinson, despite her initial prickliness, had a sharp sense of humor that Harry began to appreciate.

One evening, as they all sat in the common room, Draco leaned back in his chair, a rare smile playing on his lips. "You know, Potter, you're not half bad for someone who didn't want to be in Slytherin."

Harry chuckled. "Thanks, Malfoy. You're not too bad yourself."

The more time Harry spent with his housemates, the more he saw the side of Slytherins most didn't see. They were ambitious, yes, but they were also fiercely loyal to each other. They had their own code of honor, one that valued cunning and resourcefulness but didn't exclude kindness and camaraderie.

It was during one of his visits to the library that Harry ran into Ron. The red-haired boy looked up from a book on Quidditch and froze. "Harry," he said, his voice a mix of surprise and wariness.

"Hey, Ron," Harry replied, trying to sound casual. "How's Gryffindor treating you?"

Ron shrugged. "It's fine. How's... Slytherin?"

Harry took a deep breath. "It's different, but not in a bad way. The people there, they're not what everyone thinks. They're... they're good too."

Ron frowned. "I don't know, Harry. My brothers have told me some pretty bad things about Slytherins. I mean, look at Malfoy."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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