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"Hayde"Zenos called softly and stroked Hayden's waist
Hayden knowing the meaning of Zenos action wiggled about on Zenos laps and tries to escape from Zenos wrap..Who knows if Zenos is going to revenge now?
"Stop moving about,baby!"Zenos said in a huskily voice while leaving deep kisses on Hayden's neck
Hayden gulped and quickly sat right to avoid being eaten by Zenos right there in the car
Not long after they stopped in front of a boutique selling limited edition clothing for men"Eh?Why the boutique?"Hayden asked in suprise
"Do you think I'll drive you to the hotel instead?"He asked in a deep grin
Hayden's face suddenly blazed red when his thought was spot on..Right,that's what he thought especially when Zenos started kissing him eagerly earlier""He denied while stuttering
"Cute!"Zenos suddenly said,finding the shy and stuttering Hayden cute with his blushing face
"Uh?"He blinked his eyelashes and tilted his head in confusion
"Let's go buy you some clothes!"Zenos replied
"Why did I have to buy clothes?"He asked still in confusion
"You don't wanna walk about in pajamas,do you?"
"Uh,right!"he replied, remembering that he was on the bed with his pajamas a while ago but still,he's confused"Aren't we going to your place, I could.."he stopped when Zenos leaned in with a mischievous grin plastered on his face"What are you doing?"
Zenos tightened his wrap around Hayden's waist and whispered while licking Hayden's soft and sensitive earlobe"I think you're just eager about our bed activities,babe..Is that why you purposely wear pajamas to seduce me?"
He snorted"Bluffs!!I don't even know about your arrival beside pajamas is meant for sleeping not for seduction!"Hayden retorted angrily
"Oh my super duper proud and angry Hayden is back!"Zenos smiled and ran his hand through Hayden's hair"Cute!"
Hayden's face turned red for a while after Zenos called him cute"Don't call me cute!"
"Ok!"Zenos nodded in agreement
"Uh?"Hayden asked in confusion as Zenos accept it easily..What plan is Zenos cooking up now?
"You said not to call you cute!"Zenos said as they got out of the car to enter one of the most popular shopping mall in the country
Hayden followed and stayed by his side"and you accept just like that?"
"Of course!"Zenos replied and stopped then took off his suit jacket and wore it on Hayden
"Why?"Hayden asked pointing towards the jacket
"Only I can see you in the pajamas!"
He snorted at Zenos answer and said"All the guys have saw me half naked including Mia.."he closed his mouth when Zenos looked at him
"Oh!"Zenos replied normally even though he's brimming in anger inwardly.. He'll just...
Hayden gasped and wanted to say he was joking knowing how damn possessive his boyfriend is"I..I.."he stopped when he realized what Zenos said"Oh??"Hayden asked in suprise..why does it seems as if Zenos has if he's magnanimous and possessive less
By now they've entered the mall"Good day young sir's!"a pretty lady curtsied..Her face beamed as she admire the two handsome man in front of her..She quickly go through thier face and found one cold and the other more approachable..She quickly took notes to try to be more cordial to the approachable one so she could leave a mark on him
"We'll buy some clothes!"Hayden said
"ok, Handsome young sirs!I'll lead the way"She says to the two handsome men instead of directing them to a staff who would lead the way"Just make sure to follow me sirs!"she beamed at them but more to Hayden and Hayden returned the smiled to her causing Zenos to frown a little
She showed them the expensive casual clothes sections"Here!Let me assist you in choos..."she said and smiled at them both but winked at Hayden
"Ok.Thanks fo...!"Hayden replied
"No need!"Zenos cut in coldly
"Uh,why??"Hayden pouted..The girls eyes twinkled and she bit her lips at Hayden..She batted her eyelid at Hayden making her look harmless and cute"She just wants to help,Zen!"
The pretty staff nodded and pouted at Zenos while showing a sad expression that'll move any man
"No!"Zen replied curtly
"Zen!"Hayden pulled Zenos cufflink feeling distressed on the girl's behalf

Before he could finish his talk he was already french kissed by Zenos"What did you mean by No?"Zenos stared at Hayden as if once he said the wrong word he'll strip him and fuck him till he says the right word
Hayden gulped down as his eyes met with Zenos..He suddenly smiled loudly albeit nervously"I'm just joking"He said collecting the bouquet of flowers in happiness"I'll be your boyfriend!"
Zenos smiled in relief and happiness.. He was afraid that Hayden didn't like and care about him anymore and would say no!And,he can't do without him because he's fallen hard.. Yeah,he fell in love with Hayden that night.. Suddenly,he stiffened because Hayden suddenly jumped on him and yelled in happiness
"Waohhhh..Yes..Yes!"He screamed at the top of his lung"I'll be your boyfriend, Zen!"He said and hugged Zenos happily"You dunno how happy I am!!Damn,when did you plan all this?And when did you come to Grail State?This so beautiful!!"
"Two hours ago!!"Zenos replied truthfully smiling
"Waoh!!"Hayden gasped in suprise"You're so wonderful!!."He said as tears suddenly slipped down his cheeks causing Zenos to panic
"Baby??"Zenos called
"You did all this for me?"Hayden asked in happiness
"Yeah!"he said in affirmation and hugged him closer while rubbing his back"I'm sorry if I hurt y.."
"I'm happy!"He suddenly smiled"I'm really happy"
After like 5 mins, Hayden suddenly looked at Zenos with a glint in his eyes"What were you planning to do if I say no?"
Zenos suddenly frowned in hesitation"Baby, don't joke with that.."
Hayden leaned in closer and hold Zenos waist..He purposely tiptoed and whispered softly in Zenos ear since Zenos is taller than him"What were you going to do, Zenos?"
Zenos eyes darkened as he thought of what he'll do if it happens.Unconciously,he begins to stroke Hayden's waist and called Hayden softly
Hayden knowing the meaning of that quickly remove himself from Zenos grip"Ah.. I know.. I understand!"He said and quickly went to sit on the blanket

Zenos chuckled as Hayden quickly ran away from his grip like a rabbit.. Seriously, he won't know what to do if Hayden decided to leave him but all he know is that he'll never hurt Hayden no matter what happened and he would never allow Hayden to leave him.
Zenos went to sit beside Hayden and hugged him closer.The latest movie named The Promise has started to play,a romantic and comedy movie Hayden has been planning to watch
Hayden suddenly places his head on Zenos shoulder and softly whispered"Thank you!"then kissed Zenos cheeks softly
Zenos suddenly smile and decided to capture the moment..He took out his phone to sneak a photo shot of him and Hayden but unfortunately for him, Hayden looked over at that moment
He leaned over and said smugly"Is CEO Zenos taking a sneak shot of me?"
Zenos pulled him over and pecked his lips then took a photo"yes..But why did you call me CEO ?"Did Hayden know about his identity already?But he has made sure to hide it well so that's not possible!
Hayden separated from Zenos and sit back to his original position where it's most comfortable for him to watch the movie"I don't know it suddenly appears in my mind and before I knew it,it has fell from my mouth!"He said without looking away from the movie
Zenos leaned over and a mischievous glint which Hayden didn't see flashes through Zenos eyes"Eh..Eh..Just like how you call me, daddy that night.."
"Shut up!"Hayden says with a bold face as if he wasn't faze a bit if not for the tip of his ear showing red that implicated him but he still refuses to shift his eyes away from the movie
By now Zenos has started to feel irritated because Hayden isn't paying him attention..So he leaned over and hold Hayden by the waist"Baby!"he pouted and says in a feigned sad tone
"What?"Hayden asked without removing his eyes away from the TV..He removed Zenos hand from his waist but in a sec it was wrapped back by Zenos"What the fuck, Zenos?"
"Hayde!"Zenos poked his waist but Hayden ignores
"Hayden!"he pulls his hand but still Hayden ignored him

Hayde!"Zenos poked his waist but Hayden ignores
"Hayden!" he pulls his hand but still Hayden ignored him
"Hayden."More poking"Hayde"
Hayden!!"Zenos called aggrievedly
"Darn it!"Hayden cursed angrily and faces Zenos"What?"
Zenos smiled and suddenly pecked his lips"Focus on me!"
"You narcissist...I don't want to!"He said and turned back to his movie
Zenos started to poke Hayden's waist again"Bab.."Hayden angrily shoved a handful of popcorn into Zenos' mouth and turned back to his movie but not before pecking Zenos' lips"Just let me enjoy the movie on our first date, hm?"
"Okay!"Zenos nodded but in a minute he has started to stroke Hayden's waist gently
Hayden glared at him"Don't think you'll do anything here!!"He said and quickly stood up and walked to the far end to escape from Zenos' grip and childish troubles, but how could Zenos let him leave him all alone? So, Zenos stood up and followed him then sat beside him while wrapping an arm around his waist
"Darn...Can you fucking leave me all alo.."He was pulled and french-kissed by Zenos till he almost lost his breath"Darn it!"After a minute, Hayden suddenly cursed and glared at Zenos"All thanks to you I wasn't able to watch the scene where he knelt to propose to the Rita...Do you know how eager I am to watch the scene??"
"Why?"Zenos asked... Thinking if the reason is good, he'll ask the staff to play it back.
"He's so handsome in that scene!"Hayden said in a tiny and saddened voice thinking about the movie teaser he watched and how the scene was beautiful in that teaser
"Because he's so handsome in that scene?"Zenos asked with a calm tone even though a storm is beginning to brew in his heart... Only if Hayden looked over he'll have been able to avoid the downpour of the storm but he didn't"Who's handsome?"Zenos said coldly
"David...The male lead!"Hayden answered cluelessly and angrily...Still pissed off by Zenos' unreliable attitude of keeping his hands off him
"Really?"Zenos asked and Hayden was about to say yes but before he could...He was already pushed to the floor with Zenos hovering on top of him"He's handsome?"Zenos asked sinisterly
Hayden opened his mouth and says angrily"Yes...So get off me, let me watch the... Ah!!"His back chilled as that darkened eyes stared at him like a fresh meal... He quickly tried to butter Zenos up"I..I.w"
Before he could finish he was already deeply kissed by Zenos, the button of his shirt beginning to be opened by Zenos... Hayden gasped as Zenos moved to his neck and bit and licked and kissed his neck leaving a mark"Ahhh..Zenos!!" he whimpered softly
"Is he handsome as me? than me?"He said while kissing his collarbone
"No!" Hayden quickly shooked his head while hoping Zenos would climb off quickly so he could watch the movie and avoid being eaten whole...He gasped as Zenos kissed his neck"No, you're the most..ah...Handsome man in my heart...Ah!!"
Zenos smiled against his skin and bit Hayden's collarbone softly"Are you sure you're not just trying to butter me up?"
Hayden quickly shook his head "no... I'm not..ah...Zen.."
Zenos suddenly smiled at Hayden's word but only released him after he coated his skin with enough hickeys"Darn it!"Zenos cursed inwardly, feeling like he shot himself as his 3rd brother reacts to the beautiful sounds Hayden is making...He quickly sat upright and placed Hayden on his lap" I'm jealous of that guy!"He pouted sadly
Hayden's swollen lips twitched...He was the one bullied by Zenos but why does it feel as if it's the other way around?

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