14 ❣️

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Time paused as Ramil's gaze was fixed on Punn. The boy who was currently staring at Ramil, eyes wide, looked a little fearful but mostly in shock. He had also ran to the library when he heard screams.

Ramil let out an exasperated growl.
The library went instantly quiet. He looked down at Punn again, battling with the right emotions. An endless turmoil of need usurped his insides in ways he'd never felt before.

Punn's pretty eyes were brown, glassy with want, undeniably, and the rush of power and dominance that Ramil radiated was heady and overwhelming.

The young boy had gone completely still, a lump jumping in his throat, the very picture of cornered prey.

Ramil moved closer before he had even realized he was almost suffocating Punn, crowding him back against the bookcase behind him. This close, he could hear Punn's heartbeat, heck he could smell the intoxicating scent of his fear and arousal.

"Hia you won't hurt me..." Punn whispered, one hand moving up to rest against Ramil's chest as if to push him away. It stayed there without pressure. Even if he did push, it wouldn't be enough to move Ramil.

"You won't hurt me." Punn said the second time as if demanding reassurance from the vampire.

Ramil swallowed back the urge to bite. But he loved following instructions especially the one coming out from those pouted red lips.

"No." Ramil shook his head. He rested his right hand above Punn's head and leaned in. The kiss he planted against the Punn mouth was hard enough to shock a moan of surprise out of the boy.

Ramil continued deepening the kiss as greedily as he got, parting the boy's lips and sucking his tongue in deep, hands grasping at Punn's upper arms now to keep him from pulling away.

Against his human instinct, Ramil dragged his teeth against the inside of Punn's lower lip, a scraping nip vicious enough to draw blood, startling another broken moan for his trouble.

The taste of it was instantly delicious, sublime enough that the petty annoyances of the night fell away to nothing. All that mattered was the thundering rush of Punn's blood, so close, so seductive.

Punn's hand stopped its soothing circles as he parted his lips from Ramil to breathe. He felt hesitant asking, but he needed to know. "Why did you kiss me... I don't understand?"

Ramil was silent for a very long moment before answering. The pause made Punn anxious, but he wasn't sure what he was expecting. For Ramil to be like...

'I am sure you are my vampire- soul -mate who I will be with forever if you help me break the curse.'

Ramil remained quiet until he finally answered. "I stopped believing in this stuff years ago, because of the curse. But I know I have never felt this drawn before. Not to a vampire or human. For some reasons I can't explain, my heart knew right away that..."

"That what?" Punn's eyes glistened.

"That I wanted you. I want you."

Punn pressed himself a little closer to Ramil at those words. Not a definitive answer, but it was an ego boost, at least. To be wanted by this insanely gorgeous, protective, magical-actually, literally magical-being.

But he tried to play smart. He didn't want to act cheap and throw himself to a man just because he confessed love to him.
"I need to leave." He said as he stepped away from Ramil's embrace.

But Ramil was quick to hold his hand. "Why? You don't believe me?"

Punn inhaled deeply, the feral scent of Ramil filled his nostrils. And it smelled so good. "I heard what you said. But I can't help it. That pull you talk about...I feel it too. Like I want to trust you. Like I feel safe with you and..."

Punn felt a small tug in his hand at the direction of Ramil's pull. Using his super speed, Ramil breezed down hallway. The next second they were in a secluded bedroom, that had a huge black and white photo of Ramil as wall paper all over the walls. "And what? Talk to me Punn."

Punn blinked back to the present. The wave of wind grazing his face. What was he saying...

"And... Um, maybe give me space, time to process all this..."

"No." It was more a growl than a word.

Ramil crowded Punn, until he fell on the bed.

"I have never dated a vampire before, I mean...What do you want?"

In a flash, Ramil pulled Punn and sped jumped to his private bedroom. Breathing deeply, his hair laid scattered across his forehead. He landed in the bed with a thud. Ramil wasted no time. He was turning them both on the bed, rolling Punn underneath him, pressing their bodies together chest to chest, groin to groin.

"What I want," he crooned, running his nose along the length of Punn's chin, "is to put my hands all over you. Mark your body. Find out what sounds I can bring out of you with my hands. My tongue. My cock." He bit his lower lips as he mentioned the last word.

Punn found it suddenly very hard to breathe and not just from the weight of Ramil pressing him into the mattress.

"Don't you want to see how a vampire's cock feel like?" Ramil added with a smirk.

A blush crept up Punn's face. He let out a small chuckle. That smart option to take some space and process this entirely unreal situation suddenly flew out of his head.

But there was no part of him that wanted to be smart right now. He wanted all the things Ramil had just said.

He wanted Ramil. There was no way he could breathe or think properly with this fine work of a man existing beside him.


Ramil rolled his neck slowly, stretching his back. "I like it when you call me Hia..."

And then Ramil's lips were on Punn's, kissing him with savage desperation. Despite how gentle Ramil had been with him up until this point, the soothing touches, the respectful distance the night before, his kiss was aggressive, dominating. He claimed Punn's mouth like he owned him, hot tongue thrusting, teeth nipping.

Punn whimpered, melting under the kiss, and let himself be devoured. His cock, which had softened during their conversation, hardened in an instant.
Ramil let out another growl at his compliance, why was that so hot?

Punn thought he would die of pleasure when Ramil moved his lips to his neck, pressing warm, wet kisses along every inch of available skin. He nipped at the junction between his neck and shoulder with blunt, playful teeth-no sharp fangs to tear through the skin.

Punn knew he should have some caution at having a creature that fed off human blood nibbling around on his neck, but all he felt was a rare desire that left him breathless and dizzy.

Afraid to say it out loud, he couldn't help but accept the fact that he has fallen in love with a vampire.


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