Don't go (Tokyo Ghoul:re - Juuzou Suzuya x Reader)

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You let out a small sigh as you leaned your body against the railing on the rooftop of the CCG headquarters, looking up at the slowly darkening sky. Work had been keeping you very busy over the past few days, the investigations on the Nutcracker were progressing at full blast and there was rarely a day where you didn't put in overtime. You would stay at the office until late in the night and sort the information you'd been already able to gather before scheming the next actions for the squads. When you came home, you were often so drained that you just collapsed onto your bed and went straight to sleep. However, no matter how exhausting it was, all the efforts were totally worth it, if it meant that you were able to stop the insane war between ghouls and humans.
Suddenly, you heard a squeaking sound and peeked over your shoulder to see that the door to the rooftop had been opened, revealing your favourite black-haired coworker.

"There you are, (f/n)-chan! I've been looking for you everywhere!~"
Juuzou was as chipper as always as he walked up to you, wearing his usual wide grin.

Turning around to face the male, you returned his bright smile.
"Hey, Juuzou. Is there anything you need?"

Hopping up, the raven-haired man sat up on the balustrade and began to sway his feet back and forth while humming happily to himself, not bothered at all to hold onto the handrail as he voiced his matter.
"Haise invited everyone to grab a quick snack before returning to work and I came to get you, (f/n)-chan!"

You looked up at the grinning ghoul investigator and flashed him an apologising smile.
"That's very sweet of you, but I'm afraid you'll have to go without me."

Juuzou's face instantly fell upon hearing your reply and he pushed his bottom lip slightly forward, pouting about your declination to go out together.
Cocking his head to the side, the young male questioned you in a somewhat sulky voice.
"Why that? Aren't you hungry?"

You shook your head in disagreement.
"No, I do feel hungry, but I don't want to go out. I'll just buy a snack from the vending machine later on."

Juuzou thought for a moment before letting out a small huff and stretching himself luxuriously.
"Fine. If you stay here, I'll stay here as well."

You furrowed your brows in surprise.
"Are you sure?"

"Yup!~ You're way more fun to be around than the others!"
The young ghoul investigator offered you once again one of his toothy grins and you couldn't but crack a small smile upon seeing it. Juuzou surely was one of a kind. You had to admit that you'd been worried the first time you were assigned to work with him, but as time went by you found yourself more and more drawn to the quirky man. Once you'd got to know him better, there wasn't any way back from loving all of Juuzou's unique manners.

"What are you doing here anyways, (f/n)-chan?"

Juuzou's cheerful voice jolted you out of your thoughts and it took you a moment to realize that he had just put you a question.
"Oh, I came to see the lanterns!"

Juuzou glanced around, searching for said lanterns but couldn't see them and turning back to you, he raised his eyebrows in question.
"What lanterns?"

"Oh, you don't know?"
Upon seeing Juuzou denying your question with a shake of his head, you started to explain what you were talking about.
"Today's the Paper Lantern Festival. People gather in parks and light paper lanterns which they either launch into the sky or set afloat on the water. Each lantern has a personal message written on it and is supposed to guide the spirits of your deceased loved ones. I've actually wanted to attend the festival, but since there's still a lot of work to do, I decided to just watch it from the rooftop."

Randomness (Tokyo Ghoul - Juuzou Suzuya x Reader) [One-Shot Collection!]Where stories live. Discover now