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The morning sun bathed Lorne in a warm, golden light, casting a soft glow over the small coastal town. The waves of the Southern Ocean lapped gently at the shore, their rhythm a soothing backdrop to the peaceful ambiance of the day. Rosie stood behind the counter of the café, her usual spot where she felt most at ease. The café was a charming refuge, with its cozy, beach-themed decor and the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee that mingled with the salty sea breeze drifting through the open windows.

When Rosie prepared a latte for a regular customer, she glanced up and saw a newcomer walk through the door. The stranger was a young woman with an air of quiet confidence. Her sun-kissed skin and tousled hair suggested that she had just come from the beach, and her eyes, framed by a pair of vintage sunglasses, scanned the room with curiosity. The woman carried a camera slung casually over her shoulder, hinting at a life spent capturing moments through a lens.

The woman approached the counter, her gaze meeting Rosie's with a friendly smile. "Good morning," she said, her voice carrying a hint of an accent that Rosie knew quickly she's from New Zealand or maybe Australia. "I've heard great things about this place. I'd like to try one of your signature drinks, please."

Rosie returned the smile, intrigued by the woman's easy demeanor. "Good morning! Our signature drink is the Coastal Brew. It's a blend of espresso with a touch of vanilla and a hint of sea salt—perfect for a day by the ocean. Would you like to give it a try?"

The woman's eyes lit up with interest. "That sounds perfect. I'll have one of those, please. And if you have any recommendations for a light breakfast, I'd love to hear them."

When Rosie prepared the Coastal Brew, she couldn't help but steal glances at her new customer. There was something about the woman's presence—calm yet vibrant, like the ocean itself—that intrigued her. She was curious about the stories behind the camera and the reasons for her visit to this small coastal town.

While the coffee brewed, Rosie set about preparing a light breakfast—a selection of fresh pastries and fruit. She placed the items on a tray and handed it over with a warm smile. "Here you go. I hope you enjoy everything. I'm Rosie, by the way. If you need anything else, just let me know."

The woman accepted the tray with a grateful nod. "Thank you, Rosie. I'm Jennie. It's nice to meet you. I'm here to capture the beauty of Lorne for a project I'm working in Seoul.This café seemed like a great place to start."

Rosie's interest was piqued. "That sounds fascinating the fact you're also from Seoul caught me surprised. By the way, Lorne has a lot of hidden gems. If you need any recommendations or local tips, I'd be happy to help."

Jennie's smile broadened. "Wow fellow Korean. I'd appreciate that. I'm looking forward to exploring the town and finding those hidden spots."

Jennie settled into a corner of the café, her camera resting beside her, Rosie went about her tasks, stealing occasional glances at the newcomer. There was something captivating about Jennie's presence, a certain allure that seemed to match the beauty of the coastal town. Little did Rosie know that this simple encounter would set in motion a series of events that would change her life in ways she had never imagined.

Jennie sipped her Coastal Brew, she took in the cozy atmosphere of the café. The soft clinking of cups and the murmur of conversations created a soothing soundtrack, blending seamlessly with the gentle sound of the waves outside. She settled into her corner, her camera resting on the table as she casually observed the café's lively charm.

Her gaze frequently drifted toward Rosie behind the counter. There was a graceful efficiency in the way Rosie moved, an ease that spoke of her deep familiarity with the café's rhythms. Each time Rosie prepared a drink, her movements were fluid and precise, as if choreographed to the soundtrack of the café. Jennie couldn't help but be drawn to the way Rosie's hands worked expertly with the espresso machine and the coffee grinder, her focused expression revealing her passion for her craft.

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