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It's been about two weeks since I accidentally ran over Max, and Mike broke up with me

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It's been about two weeks since I accidentally ran over Max, and Mike broke up with me. I haven't received any calls from a prosecutor, so I assumed I was in the clear. I've been avoiding Mike pretty well, all while still making time for my friends without seeing him. School was starting in about two hours, and I was face-planted into my bed, my alarm echoing throughout the room. I had ignored it three times already, and now I was just thinking about whether I should actually get up.

As the alarm went off for the fourth time, I finally got to my feet, getting ready for the first day of my junior year. I wasn't excited, mostly because I hadn't done anything noteworthy in my first two years of high school, unlike all my friends. I just didn't really know where I fit in.

I got dressed in my outfit: a pair of overalls with a pink shirt underneath and a white pair of Converse. I styled my hair into a half-up, half-down look, securing it with a baby blue ribbon. As I got ready to leave the house, I noticed Dad was already gone for his shift, so I couldn't say goodbye. The house felt eerily quiet without him.

I decided to ride my bike to school since I didn't really trust myself in parking lots anymore. The morning air was crisp, and the streets were still relatively empty. As I pedaled, I tried to push away the thoughts of the accident and Mike, focusing instead on the rhythm of my bike wheels turning and the sound of birds chirping. It was a small comfort, but it helped me feel a bit more grounded as I approached the school.


I parked my bike at the rack and chained it up. I knew it was unlikely anyone would steal a bike, but better safe than sorry. I watched as other students walked into the building, while some lingered near the entrance, chatting and laughing. I let out a sigh, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation, and made my way towards the entrance. I walked down the halls, bumping shoulders with other students. The crowd smelled like some people had forgotten what deodorant was over the summer. As the small crowd began to fade, I caught Mike out of the corner of my eye, giving me an awkward wave. I ignored it, feeling a bit guilty afterward.

I then bumped into someone, causing me to mentally curse at myself. "Watch where you're going," said the annoying voice of Angela. Great. "Ew, it's you," she said, giving me a once-over. I forced a smile. "Overalls? You dress like a grandma," she laughed, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulders; it was Will. "At least she can actually pull them off, unlike you with the color green," he shot back, glaring at her. I bit back my smile, feeling a surge of gratitude. Angela rolled her eyes and strutted away, her heels clicking sharply against the floor. "Thanks for the save," I said, turning to Will. "No problem," he replied with a grin.

"So, you're still avoiding Mike, I'm assuming," Will spoke up, leaning against the locker next to mine. "You know it," I replied, shoving my things into my locker with a bit more force than necessary. "Why? Don't you think you guys should talk things out?" he questioned, his brow furrowing in concern.

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