Chapter 13

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I slowly woke up realising I was being hugged tightly and when my eyes focused I realised it was Gyuri reminding me of last night.

Gyuri: Good morning~ I love you.

Y/n: I love you too long have you been awake?

Gyuri: A while but I didn't want to wake you up so I just stayed still and watched you.

She smiled at me before getting closer and gently kissing me. After a few seconds the door opened up and Saerom came in.

Saerom: Oh good you're up. Get washed and dressed we are heading to practice soon.

I slowly got out of bed still naked not really thinking and saw Saerom bite her lip and approach me.

Saerom: And I am going to be such a good leader and help my maknae shower.

She pulled me behind her and well you can probably guess how the shower went. I think she sucked my soul out....I was dressed and we were at the company the other dancers were there too and to put it simply practice was quick and pretty easy.

Seoyeon: Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah noona?

Seoyeon: Hug me.

Y/n: Why?

Seoyeon: Because I asked you too~

Y/n: Fine. Only because-

Seoyeon: I know you love us all.

I hugged her smaller frame and felt her relax into me but she didn't let go in fact...

Y/n: She's asleep...

Jisun: Oh well...huh. I didn't think she would sleep stood up.

Y/n: What do I do now?

Jisun: Stay still I guess. Maybe you could wake her up?

I gently poked Seoyeons cheek trying to wake her up but when she opened her eyes she bit my finger and glared at me.

Y/n: Noona let go of my finger that fucking hurts!

She didn't and I eventually took steps back until I was against the wall.

Y/n: I-I'm sorry?

She let go of my finger finally and I held it in my hand in pain.

Y/n: What's wrong with you?

Seoyeon: I'm hungry and tired. You were the closest snack.


It was the day after Talk & Talk was released and I was in their dorm while they were performing on a music show. I mean I'm not officially a member of their group but I live with them's kinda nice. 


I heard the door unlock which was weird as I knew the girls wouldn't be back until later and moved towards the door as it opened revealing a guy who looked more than panicked.

Guy: W-Who are you?

I grabbed him and pulled him inside.

Y/n: Who are you? Why are you breaking into this dorm?

Guy: I-I are you a guard?

Y/n: Maybe I am. Now answer my question.

Guy: I-I love the girls so I-I um...I-

Y/n: Spit it out.

Guy: I was going to h-hide cameras in their rooms and watch them from my house.

I pulled the sasaeng with me and grabbed my phone and messaged in the girls group chat that had their managers in what had happened and they said one of them was coming with security to get the guy. After a while they arrived and the guy looked terrified.

Male Manager: Thank you for catching them Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah no problem...hey-

Male Manager: Don't worry I've already asked about getting you added to the group officially.

Y/n: Oh thanks.

Male Manager: Well I mean they constantly talk about you.

Y/n: Really?


Hayoung: Baby boy~

Y/n: What?

Hayoung: Oh~ you responded to that?

Y/n: Who else would you call baby boy?

Hayoung: Well~ hmm~ I guess you are right.

Y/n: So what do you want?

Hayoung: You hungry?

Y/n: Maybe a little.

Hayoung: Wanna eat me? I mean with me!?

I look at her confused seeing her giggle then sigh.

Hayoung: I really do mean let's eat together.

Y/n: Ok let's go eat.

Hayoung: No~ we are gonna order food-

Jiheon: Without me?

Hayoung: Shhh~ I don't want to buy everyone food lets eat together.

We eventually ordered chicken as well as a bunch of other stuff just for the three of us. When it arrived the other girls noticed and we quickly retreated into Jiheons room and ate together.

Jiheon: Hey Y/n I've always wanted to ask you...did you have a crush on me back when we were in school together?


Jiheon: Liar~ I remember how angry you got whenever anyone tried to flirt with me.

Y/n: Whatever.

Jiheon moved and sat on my lap pulling my hands around her lap.

Jiheon: Lets start dating now~

Y/n: Uh...I kinda-

Hayoung: Jiheon you aren't allowed.

Jiheon: Why not?

Hayoung: Because all nine of us are competing fairly for his love.

Jiheon: Well he already loves me.

Y/n: I love you all.

Jiheon: But me the most.

Y/n: I don't love any of you more than the rest.

Jiheon: You wanna have a good reason to love me the most~?

Hayoung: Yah. Eat and behave.

Jiheon: But what if I want to be a bad girl. I think Y/n likes bad girls more~

Hayoung: Jiheon.

Jiheon giggled before kissing me and pushing me to lay down. She was definitely planning on doing more until Hayoung managed to pull her off me and push her out of her own room.

Jiheon: You can't lock me out of my own-

Hayoung slammed against the door and locked it while we could hear Jiheons complaints from the other side.

Hayoung: Now lets finish eating then we could go lay down.

Y/n: If that's what you want.

I ate until there wasn't anything left then laid on Jiheon's bed with Hayoung who was laid on my arm resting her chin on my chest.

Hayoung: Such a massive cutie~

Y/n: Shut up.

Hayoung: Don't wanna shut up~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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