3: A Woman in a Man's Body

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You almost fell over, instead the wall catching your fall. 'This has to be a dream.'

You approached the mirror again slowly, analyzing your facial features. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a medium-length bowl cut with thick bangs. It was all so familiar... 'This seriously has to be a dream.'

Suddenly you heard a knock at the door. "Armin, it's me Mikasa, we have to get to the meeting with Captain Levi and Commander Hange soon so hurry up! I'll be waiting outside your room."

'Okay, maybe this isn't a dream then...'

"Uhhhh... Okay! Be right there Mikasa." It really surprised you when you spoke, you sounded exactly like Armin. Well, you were in Armin's body right now for crying out loud.

You quickly brushed your teeth, quite surprised at the plumbing in this bathroom. For a society that was so behind technologically, the plumbing really wasn't as bad as you'd imagined. Once you finished in the bathroom, you quickly grabbed some clothes to put on. 'The military in this world usually wore their uniforms every day, right?'

You shrugged and grabbed the coat that resembled the survey corps new uniform. Though you knew how the new uniform looked, you weren't sure what the colors were since the anime had yet to catch up to the manga's new designs. When you finished, you wore a white button up with white slacks, a green jacket with the emblem of the survey corps on the right pocket just over the heart.

You looked in the mirror and did a little spin to see the whole outfit. "Yeah, this looks about right I guess." Quickly, you threw on the thigh-high boots to finish the uniform and walked out the door.

Behind it, you were met with Mikasa who was waiting patiently for you. You stared at her in disbelief for a moment, not processing how one of your favorite character was really standing in front of you right now. She really was so beautiful in real life, the short hair really suited her and she had a ridiculously good-looking body. And of course, the iconic red scarf Eren gave her adorned her neck. You blushed like an idiot, to say the least.

Mikasa made a confused face at you, and after a minute of silence she sighed. "Come on, we have to go." She grabbed your arm and began dragging you along with her while you still pondered on what to say to her. Although you were in Armin's body, you yourself did not know Mikasa personally. You didn't know how to not embarrass yourself in front of this ridiculously beautiful woman. 'The bisexuality really is not helping me right now...'

After a few minutes of dragging, you finally started walking along with her voluntarily, still arm in arm with her. As you got closer to what seemed to be the meeting room, you saw a few familiar faces in the hallways. Multiple people greeted you, many 'Hey Armin''s and smiles along the way. It wasn't surprising that Armin seemed to be popular among the military, he was hero and very people-oriented after all. Although when you passed Floch, he gave you a dirty look and rolled his eyes. You gave him an annoyed look then looked away quickly.

Finally, you reached large double doors and they opened to a hall with long wooden desks of sorts. When you entered, it seemed the meeting had already started. 'Oops... We're late. I made us late.'

However, the man talking, who seemed to be Darius Zackly, paused for a minute at your entrance with Mikasa but continued talking promptly. You and Mikasa continued walking toward the front desk, where there were two vacant seats beside Hange. "Hey guys, thanks for joining us. I'm surprised you two are late, though, you're both usually like half an hour early."

"Sorry Hange, Armin got up late so I had to go get him." Mikasa apologized, though you felt embarrassed, beginning to feel your cheeks heat up again. And not just because you were late, because once you looked at Hange you felt yourself pause like how you did when you saw Mikasa.

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