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The shadows thickened around them, twisting like a stormy sea. Aria felt the chill of Maleficent's gaze seep into her bones, her heart pounding with fear in her ears.

"We can't let her catch us off guard," she whispered urgently, her blue eyes darting around for an escape route.

Markus, his mind racing, felt the weight of the situation push down on him like the gathering storm clouds above. He had come to care deeply for these princesses, their bravery igniting something within him that he thought had long since been snuffed out.

"We need to think fast! Aria. I remember reading about a crystal that can cloak us from dark magic. If we can just find it..." He trailed off, glancing toward the shimmering waterfall where Moana had been earlier.

"Where is it?" Aria asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she fought to mask the panic that threatened to overwhelm her.

She also didn't want Maleficent to hear her. They had backed away from her slowly. So did the others.

"There's a legend that says it's hidden somewhere near the middle of the island of Motunui. It's a relic of the old world," Markus said quickly, a glimmer of hope lighting his expression. "If we can find it, we could use it to shield ourselves from her magic—and perhaps slip away undetected."

"Alright! Let's go!" Moana urged, her resolve hardening as Maleficent's laughter echoed through the jungle like a malevolent wave around them.

The three of them turned, sprinting back toward the waterfall, each step fueled by their fear of the sorceress standing behind them. Her laughter chasing them. Suddenly it stopped for a brief moment.

"Get them..." Maleficent growled, venomously.

The shadows flew past her and chased after them. They ran for their lives. They reached the pool, the sunlight caught the water's surface, creating a mesmerizing dance of reflections.

"The crystal must be nearby," Markus said, scanning the area. "We just have to find it before Maleficent does."

"Look!" Aria pointed toward the base of the waterfall, where a small grotto glimmered. "It could be in there!"

Without a second thought, they dashed towards the grotto, leaping over stones slick with moisture. As they approached, a pulse of energy emanated from the cave, a warmth contrasting the dread that lingered outside.

"We may only have a few moments," Moana warned, her voice tense. "Maleficent's shadows are right behind us."

Inside the grotto, the air was thick with the scent of salt and earth. The walls glistened with moisture, and every surface seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow. In the center of the cave, resting upon a pedestal of smooth stones, was the legendary crystal, catching and refracting the light in brilliant hues of blue and green. The crystal itself resembled the sea.

"It's beautiful," Aria breathed, mesmerized by the ball's radiant glow. "But how do we use it?"

Markus stepped forward cautiously, feeling the magical energy thrumming in the air.

"It's said that it requires an incantation—something that resonates with the heart." He reached out to take the crystal, cradling it in his hands. "Moana, do you know any words that could invoke its protection?"

Moana's brow furrowed in concentration; she closed her eyes, feeling the ocean's whispers guide her thoughts.

"It's not about the words alone. The ocean's magic binds us all. We need to connect with it, with each other."

She took a deep breath and stepped closer, placing her hands on the crystal.

"Join me, both of you."

Markus and Aria moved beside her, their hands gently resting against the crystal. They formed a triangle, their palms warming against the cool surface. Moana began to hum a soft tune—a melody that felt as if it had wings, borne of the waves, the winds, and the stars. The other two joined her, their voices melding into a harmonious blend, each note spiraling higher and higher like a fishing line cast into the ocean. As they sang, the crystal pulsed with warmth, light spilling from it like the first rays of dawn. The air vibrated, shimmering around them like ripples in water. Aria focused on the love she felt for her friends, the determination to protect the princesses, infusing her voice with that fierce emotion. Suddenly, Maleficent's laughter echoed outside the grotto, turning into a low growl.  It sent shivers up and down Aria's back.

"You think your little chant can protect you? You're merely children playing with forces beyond comprehension! Give up now!"

But the energy surged, a shield forming around them like a bubble rising from the depths of the ocean. The grotto brightened, and for a moment, all shadows fled. They could feel the strength of the ocean surrounding them, each pulse resonating with the heartbeats of the earth and the sea. In that moment of clarity, Markus turned his attention to Aria after ensuring the ball's light cocooned them.

"Are you alright?" he asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"I'm fine," she assured him, her gaze steady. "But we need to move. Maleficent won't be held back for long."

"Yes!" Moana agreed, focusing on the pulsating crystal. "We need to harness its energy and find a way to escape before she breaks through or we all will be doomed."

With each word they exchanged, the bond between them strengthened. The crystal glowed brightly, and Markus felt a surge of courage rise within him.

"Can we use it to create a path to safety?" he suggested, his thoughts racing.

"Let it guide us," Moana instructed, her voice unwavering. "We can't fight her directly; we must outsmart her. Let the crystal show us the way."

Closing their eyes and concentrating, they focused on the gem's radiance, allowing their hopes and fears to merge with the light. As they surrendered to its warmth, they could see a pathway unfolding before them, illuminated by the magic of the crystal. It spiraled out of the grotto and into the dense jungle beyond.

"Follow me!" Moana cried, her voice filled with urgency.

The three of them dashed down the shimmering path, the crystal leading them like a beacon through the twisted roots and towering ferns. The shadows of the jungle danced around them, but the light from the crystal pushed back the darkness, guiding their every step. Just as they reached the edge of the jungle, a blast of dark energy shot past them, scattering leaves and sending tremors through the ground.

"You cannot escape that easily!" Maleficent's voice lashed at them like a storm. "This is not over!"

But they pressed on, heartbeats synchronized with the rhythm of their hope. As they stumbled into a clearing, the vibrant colors of the ocean came into view, glistening under the sun's warm embrace. Their breaths mingled with the salty breeze, and for a moment, they felt free.

"Where do we go now?" Markus asked, panting slightly.

Moana glanced toward the horizon, her expression filled with determination.

"If we can reach the heart of the island Te Fiti during the Lunar Eclipse, we'll have the spirits on our side. We can summon them with the help of Maui, and together, we stand a chance against Maleficent."

"Agreed," Aria said, her heart racing. "But how can we find Maui? He could be the key to turning the tide against Maleficent."

"That's our next step," Moana replied, her eyes shining with conviction. "We must find Maui. He has the strength and the wisdom of the ocean within him. He can help us gather the spirits before Maleficent has a chance to strike again."

The Crystal of Fates: Quest of the Princess Where stories live. Discover now