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As the sun dipped low on the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Aria could sense the urgency in the air. The ocean shimmered invitingly before her, but there was a heaviness in the atmosphere, a palpable tension that spoke of the approaching darkness behind them. She turned to Moana and Markus, her heart racing with the weight of their task.

"Look over there!" Aria pointed toward the other side of the island, where the vibrant blue of the ocean grew increasingly murky.

Dark water swirled ominously, creeping toward the shores like a shadow on the cusp of engulfing the light.

"That can't be good. It looks like Maleficent's magic is already spreading to the water," Aria muttered. "If it spreads any farther..."

Moana squinted, her brow furrowing with concern.

"We must hurry before it reaches the heart of Te Fiti. If it does, we might lose our chance to summon the spirits," Moana warned.

Markus, who had been catching his breath and regaining his composure, stepped forward with renewed vigour.

"Let's take a boat! We can sail around to Te Fiti and see if Maui is there or even on his island." His eyes sparkled with mischief as he added, "And I'll be the strong, brave thief who can row us to safety."

"Very noble of you, Markus," Aria smiled, her heart lifting even amidst the chaos. She could see the hero beneath the thief's bravado, and it intrigued her. "Let's find a boat quickly—we don't have much time to dilly dally."

They made their way to a small cove where Moana often found her canoes. The gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore calmed Aria's racing heart. As they approached, they found a sturdy boat, its wood polished by years of sun and salt. The boat bobbed eagerly in the water, as if welcoming its new passengers.

"This will do nicely," Moana declared, her hands already working to untie the ropes binding it to the dock. "It's light enough for us to maneuver, and quick enough to outrun any trouble we might come across out on the water."

"Let me help!" Markus stepped in, deftly assisting Moana with the ropes.

As they set about their tasks, he shot a playful glance at Aria. Whom insisted she'd help too.

"What do you think, Princess? Do you trust me to steer this ship? I promise I won't let you fall overboard... unless you promise to save me from dangerous creatures lurking in the deep."

Aria raised an eyebrow, her smile broadening.

"I'll do my best if you don't row us straight into Maleficent's magical whirlpool first," Aria retorted, jokingly.

"I'm flattered by your consideration," he replied, a hint of flirtation lacing his words. "Besides, with you around, I'd say I'm the one in need of saving."

Aria giggled at him. As they settled into the boat, Markus took the helm, his hands confidently gripping the oars.

"Alright, Captain Aria and First Mate Moana, let's set sail for adventure!" His voice boomed, dripping with theatrical flair.

"Don't get too cocky," Moana teased, but her eyes shone with laughter. "We're not just out for a joyride; we're on a mission to rescue Maui and my home."

Markus nodded, though he kept his gaze fixed on the horizon, drawn by the promise of the challenge. He took a deep breath, feeling the tang of salt on the breeze. The boat glided smoothly over the water, the waves effortlessly parting around them as they ventured forth. Aria sat beside him, the wind playfully tugging at her hair, making it dance like a wild river.

"What do you think Maui will be like?" she asked, her voice soft yet filled with curiosity.

Markus looked over at her, his expression serious for a moment.

"I've heard stories—he's a demigod, known for his strength and mischief. People say he's... well, a bit full of himself. But if we can find him, he might help us rally the spirits."

"Full of himself?" Aria echoed, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "Sounds like you might get along well with him then."

Markus chuckled, winking.

"I like to think I have my own charm, but I could use an ally like Maui. Strength in numbers, right?"

As they sailed toward the fading sun, the dark water lurked behind them, a reminder of the danger they faced. The air grew thicker, the shadows on the horizon deepening. Aria felt a twinge of unease but focused on the present, on the camaraderie blooming between them.

"Do you think I could convince you to... let me join your adventure permanently?" Markus asked, his tone shifting slightly, a playful lilt to his voice. "I mean, who better to have by your side than a charming thief, willing to do whatever it takes to keep you safe?"

"Charming?" Aria raised her brow, amusement dancing in her light blue eyes. "I think you might be laying it on a bit thick, don't you? What would the other princesses say?"

"They'd say you're one lucky princess to have my protection," he declared, unabashedly playful. "I could offer my services, perhaps for a small reward? Maybe a kiss on the cheek for every villain we defeat?"

"Such high stakes!" Aria laughed, shaking her head. "What if we run into three villains? I might end up with the world's worst case of cheek blush!"

Markus leaned closer, a glimmer of mischief in his gaze. It sent Aria's heart racing. She scolded herself. She only just met him.

"I'd consider that a fair trade. Save a few princesses, earn a few blushes—it seems like a win-win to me."

A warm laughter bubbled from Aria's lips, filling the air with a sense of lightness that countered the dark waters behind them.

"You're impossible, Markus. But I think I could get used to having you around," Aria said, sweetly.

As the boat continued gliding over the now calm waters, they spoke of their hopes and dreams, of the adventure ahead and the friends they must save. The presence of danger seemed to fade with each shared laugh, but the growing shadows on the horizon were never far from Aria's mind. Just as the sun had finally vanished beyond the horizon they had paddled into darkened waters, the boat hit an unexpected swell, lifting them for a moment above the waves. The tranquil surroundings shattered as a furious wind roared to life, catching them in its grip.

"Hold on!" Moana shouted as she grasped the side of the boat. Markus struggled to maintain control as the ocean transformed into a swirling tempest, and the darkness began to stretch and reach toward them like a living entity.

"Maleficent!" Aria gasped, her voice barely piercing through the storm. "She's trying to stop us!"

With great determination, Markus dug the oars into the water, fighting the fierce currents.

"We can't give up! Hold tight!" he yelled, his focus unwavering.

But as they braced against the storm, Aria could already feel the weight of Maleficent's magic closing in like a noose around their necks. They had to reach Maui and unearth the spirits before the shadows overtook them entirely.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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