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  Seeing that most of the civil and military officials were giving advice, the emperor's face was so gloomy that it seemed as if ink could drip out of it. His breathing became more and more rapid, and his emotions were on the verge of a rage. "Do you all want to rebel? Look clearly to me, I am the emperor of this prosperous country, the only emperor!"

  The right prime minister Yan Huai, who was also kneeling in the front row, frowned and kept thinking about something in his heart. He glanced behind him calmly. Some of his students and close colleagues were still waiting and watching and had not surrendered to the regent. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there were still people standing behind him to support him, he would have enough confidence to speak up and save the emperor's throne.

  "Your Majesty, I object!" Yan Huai said, his voice was loud and clear, like a righteous army. "The current emperor is neither ill nor has passed away, so how can he be replaced rashly? If he leads the army to fight and returns victoriously several times, it will be a great achievement, and he will be regarded as a talented person qualified to

  ascend the throne. Then, won't every general be able to compete with the emperor for the throne? Will my Sheng Kingdom be in chaos?!" Yan Huai spoke righteously, as if he was a loyal minister who was planning and considering for the emperor. But in fact, he didn't care who would sit on the throne at all. He wanted to keep the current emperor just because he was easy to control and could make him the prime minister who ruled the court. Moreover, his daughter would become the queen of Sheng Kingdom next month, and the glory would be unlimited. By then, the lintel of his Yan family would be shining, and no one could compare with him.

  Seeing that the beautiful dream was right in front of him, how could he allow anyone to destroy the power and reputation he was about to get!

  As soon as these words came out, those court officials who were in the same party as Yan Huai also echoed them. They were all on the same boat with Yan Huai, and they all rose and fell together. They all knew that Yan Zhiman would be crowned as the empress next month. Yan Huai had made many promises to them that had not yet been fulfilled, so how could they watch the emperor being torn off the throne?

  They were used to a life of wealth and luxury, and had never seen what kind of life the poor people lived. They were just content to continue to live a life of wealth and fame.

  The emperor was delighted, "Good! Prime Minister Yan said it well!" He suddenly seemed to have confidence again, "I am still standing here, how can you, a traitor, ascend the throne over me!"

  "Because you are so stupid and incompetent, you are not worthy of being the king of a country!" Xie Ciyan's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, his eyes half-closed, staring at the emperor closely, but his eyebrows revealed a majesty that could not be ignored.

  He took out a memorial from his arms and showed it to the court officials. His voice was low and powerful, and every word was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart. "Fengguo and Anguo have long been allies. One of them has wealth, the other has troops. Together, they are invincible. In such a losing situation, this so-called emperor wants me to lead troops to attack Fengguo without giving me any food. Isn't this just dream talk?!"

  "Who among you still wants to serve a king who has put the safety of Sheng Kingdom and its people in dire straits?" Xie Ci Yan handed the memorial in his hand to Yan Huai, "Prime Minister Yan just spoke with certainty, questioning how I could rashly replace a tyrant. This memorial is the answer. This time, I have reached a ten-year alliance agreement with the king of Feng without spending a single soldier. The Emperor of Feng has written in black and white, with the national seal as a witness, that he will not send troops to attack Sheng Kingdom for the next ten years and will establish a friendly relationship with Sheng Kingdom."

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