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"Party time!!" Steamo yelled, followed by a whoop. I rolled my eyes with a small smile. Me and Ryan glanced at each other. Children.

We were all hanging out in BloodyDances van, 'we' including RF, and of course BD, plus Layla. "This is gonna be so much fun!" Layla squealed as she jumped on Sammy. The rest of BloodyDances shot Sammy a sly smirk, causing him to roll his eyes.

BloodyDances...I should probably officially introduce them. Danny, he's the singer who people could assume was rude by the way he talked, which always was cussing. Kenny was the guitarist who was easily forgotten as people payed more attention to the rhythm guitarist. Eric, little brother of Kenny, and said rhythm guitarist, was cocky and a fan favorite for his good looks and outgoing personality. Sammy was the sweet bassist who was awkward. And then lastly there was the tattoo-obsessed drummer Dylan, who was quiet but could lowkey be an asshole. Yeah, that about summed them up.

Anyways, now we were walking to the party that was held outside. We were joined by OLI FUCKING SYKES and Ben Bruce causing Ryan to silently freak out. They struck up a conversation with Danny and Johnnie and Steamo, talking about God knows what. I was walking with Layla and Ryan, who were all fangirling over the two brits (me included...).

"Oh, look who it is!" Vic said as we walked up to all the bands. Vic stood beside Tony, his brother, Kellin Quinn from SWS (which I knew was making Layla also freak out), and someone else. He was quite handsome, I think he was the bassist in Pierce the Veil. "Sexican, what's up?" I laughed, walking to them, the rest of the group splitting up to go mingle with all of the other bands and crew. Vic laughed and shook his head.

"This is Jaime, Jaime this is Nova from Resurrecting Flames, she's the singer." Vic introduced. I smiled at him, and held my hand out for a shake. He smirked and took my hand, shaking it. "Hello beautiful."

OMG did he really just call me beautiful?!? My face heated up slightly, but hopefully my makeup covered it. "Hey handsome." I said winking, making him blush a tiny bit. I have that kind of effect.

Vic looked back and forth between us with a smirk. "Oh, and this is my brother Mike." Vic said, then pointing to a tall guy. I gave a small smile.

(A/n: if u can't tell I'm trying to exclude Mike as much as I can, cause well yknow, but he is the drummer and Vic's brother, and this is set in 2010 while he's in the band, so I have to include him, but don't be surprised if he's only noticed like every six chapters)

"Novy, come dance with me!" Layla yelled. She was already drunk. I shook my head with a small smile before turning over to the band beside me. "Welp, gotta go, toodles!" I said with a wave before walking over to Layla. "Adios femenino!" The boys said in sync. I shook my head with a small smile, my white ass has no idea what femenino means, but I'm guessing female or something.

"Girl, you totally think Jaime is hot!" Layla squealed as she took ahold of my shoulders, shaking them violently. I rolled my eyes at the girl, I mean come on, yess he is hot, but it's literally the first day of tour! No way am I gonna make a move or anything.

"I know what you're thinking, but oh Layla, the tour has just begun, and I'm too shy to make a move!" Layla 'mimicked' me with a pout. "Well guess what sister, you just did! Hello? Calling him 'handsome' is making a move." She added.

I looked at her in amusement from her overdramatised impression of me. "Okay, first off, I do not sound- or act -like that, and second off, calling him handsome is not a 'move', it's called a compliment!"

Layla just shook her head before taking my hands and spinning me around as Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship blasted from speakers I didn't mind to know where. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." Layla mumbled.

The rest of the night was spent getting drunk while screaming lyrics to songs I slurred. I didn't even try to sing them good, just letting my drunk vocals sound through the area.

I'm totally gonna have the worse hangover tomorrow!

PAINTINGS IN GREY, jaime preciadoWhere stories live. Discover now