His Home...

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Something moving beneath me has me stirring from my unconscious state and I force my eyes open to meet my disturbance. The dark skies have cleared and the sun has made its appearance, the town I love is a distant memory as I am met with an abundance of trees and miles of green grass that cover the ground below me. Voices are heard amongst me, their conversations are all different but one voice instantly captures my attention and leaves my blood running cold.

It's him, Styles, the devil and the first person I have ever felt hatred towards. His voice is thick and deep and his conversation is enticing, simply because he's talking about me. "Put her in the living room, do not leave her unattended and I'll deal with her shortly, I have some business to attend too first," I hear a slight cough and I can only assume someone pointed at my now alert state.

"Ah, you're finally awake," Styles's attention turns to me and he gives me an unnerving smirk. I can feel the deep soreness in my neck at the amount I'm having to crane it to meet his glare. I slowly take in his appearance, he looks tired, utterly exhausted in fact. His green eyes are heavy and there's a faint appearance of dark around them that makes them look sunken. His hair is nothing but a mess, curls sticking up in various places whilst other layers lay flat against his head. His clothes are littered with creases that become more prominent against the black fabric, his boots are scuffed with marks so deep it's surprising they're still clinging to his feet and his hands are covered in mini scars that line the tender skin of his knuckles.

I notice the rings that litter his slender fingers, each of them turned in the wrong direction like they'd been fiddled with or purposefully turned and there doesn't seem to be a care to straighten them back up again. I pull my gaze from him and study the others that I can see and their appearances match his, disheveled and worn out.

I'm brought back to Styles, locking eyes with him when he speaks again, "when we enter you will remain quiet and calm, am I understood?" His question is assertive and stern and his face is as cold as ice. He awaits my answer and with a frightened expression I quickly nod my head. The nod of my head doesn't seem to satisfy him and he rolls his eyes before reaching out and ripping the duct tape off my lips.

I instantly feel the burn as my lips sting from the quick and abrupt removal, the split caused by his sharp hand earlier adds to the pain. I can feel their dryness and I am relieved to be able to swipe my tongue across them, giving them the lubrication they need. Styles crumples the tape in his fist grabbing a hold of the door handle, but before he opens it he returns his glare to me. "Am I understood?" He raises his eyebrows at me and it's clear that he wants a verbal answer from me.

My throat is sore and it's dry but I mange out a small "I understand" which receives a small nod from him. I finally straighten my neck and feel utter relief that the burning sensation of both my neck and my lips have finally subsided. As we enter the house I am set down onto my feet and I am met with another stranger in front of me who offers me a warm genuine smile which instantly eases my nerves a little.

His hand lightly grabs a hold of my bound arm and he gestures with his hand for me to follow him into another room. My eyes instantly flicker around and my god it is beautiful. A silver chandelier hangs low in the centre of the room and it shines from the bright sunlight that cascades through the oversized window ahead. Thick heavy cream curtains line the windows frame and are pulled back by white rope tie backs that look like they weigh the same as an anaconda snake. The biggest and most comfiest looking sofa I have ever seen lines the back wall, cushions are thrown aimlessly on it but they hold a look like they were placed their purposefully. A light wooden coffee table sits in the middle of the room accompanied by a round beige rug that has a flowery patten etched onto its fluffy material. I spin on my feet and I am met with a tv that I can only describe to be similar to those you see in a cinema, it's huge and fills almost the full wall. Behind it I can see a faint flicker of lights as they line the backs of it, clearly they are mood enhancing light strips and they dance to their own beat.

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