Don't Disobey...

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Time slips away as I await my unknown punishment, maybe I've been down here for ten minutes or maybe it's been ten hours, I honestly do not know. The room gives me no indication of just how long, there's no windows to show the suns activities and I can't hear anything to know if the birds have stopped chirping and returned to their nests for the night.

The only thing I can hear is the quiet sound of my sobs and the immense beating of my heart. My arms that are chained above me have lost their feeling, that dull ache I once felt has no subsided which I'm thankful for, it was becoming unbearable. My back that rests against the wall is causing me nothing but agony and any time I try to move to get into a more comfortable position it sends pain shooting through my spine.

My head is bouncing as the tears won't subside and the quietness of the basement has caused an awful ringing in my ears. The only thing that breaks the horrid silence, apart from myself, is the occasional scuff of the metal against the wall whenever I move my arms. The gut wrenching smell that hit me earlier has now turned into something of a past memory, I have become used to it and that alone shows just how long I've been down here.

The dark that used to frighten me has now taken up all my senses and has left me accustomed to it, no longer afraid but just eerily aware. Every bang and scuff I hear from the floors above me sends me into a panic, shivers run around my body and my mind instantly flashes to Styles. He said he'd be down in a second and surely that second has long passed, so why hasn't he came down the stairs. At this point I am almost begging him to come down and get the punishment over with, just so I can go back upstairs and see the light of day again or even the starry night that is bound to be upon us.

It seems as though someone has answered my begging when I hear the sound of the code being typed in. The door is swung open and the light is switched on, instantly causing my eyes to close and a blinding glare shows on the inside of my eyelids. I hear the creak of the steps and I open my eyes a crack to be met with Styles lazily coming down them.

He has changed out of his clothes and is now wearing grey joggers, no t-shirt and white socks. He looks different, no longer intimidating but more like a normal guy. I take a better look at his face and it instantly reveals that he's just woken up. His once tamed curly hair is now a mess and stuck up in all directions, his eyes are heavy and look dreadfully sleepy and his movements are slow and sloppy as he walks closer to me.

My accusation proves to be truthful as a yawn takes over his face which sets off a deep rooted anger within me. That bastard left me down here all night! He slept and left me chained up like an animal to a wall with no use of a toilet or even a shed of light. He causally walks over to me before crouching down in front of me. "Have you learnt your lesson?" His smirk makes my teeth grit and my body shakes with an overwhelming hatred.

I scowl at him before slightly leaning forward and I can't stop the words as they tumble from my dry throat, "fuck you." My voice surprises me, it doesn't waver and it holds an edge to it that is almost intimidating but definitely nasty. Styles seems shocked at my choice of words and just when I think he's going to strike me he simply laughs.

It's a low chuckle that is wicked and it almost scares me but my anger is too overpowering for me to feel anything else. "I guess not," he moves towards me his stare is something evil as he grabs ahold of my jaw. His fingers are rough and they cause an intense pain through my face.

"Listen when I tell you that I am not playing with you Delilah, I won't hesitate to put a bullet between your pretty eyes, you think your acting tough but in reality your frightened to death," he comes a little closer, his face a millimetre away from mine. "You think many people haven't been in your position before? They've begged for their lives, cried out for their loved ones and has that ever stopped me before? It's an easy answer, no," his fingers move from my jaw to my cheeks his grip only growing harsher. "So if I were you I'd back the fuck down before it's you whose lying covered in blood with no heartbeat in your chest because if you carry on speaking to me like that I swear to you that is exactly the position you'll be in," he lets go of my face with a push and I break down.

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