Wandering Hallows Night

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Chapter1: Empty Again

A fierce gale of wind rumpled skeletal leaves across the front yard, bringing with it the scent of burning fireplaces and cinnamon. Black hair tangled in the unruly blast. It tickled my face and stuck to my eyelashes. Annoyed, I shoved the strands away, intent on watching the vacant street. Staring back were the carved faces of pumpkins and ghoulish Halloween decorations abandoned for the warmth of a full house and the safety of family. Some kids had all the luck.

I shivered, scrunched tighter, and hugged my knees closer to my chest. The thought of being alone again—not the brisk weather—gave me goose-bumps. I loved the chance to throw parties once in a while, but this time I dreaded my Dad leaving for another week of work. And, for four months out of the year, my Mom went to visit my older brother and grandparents in Spain.

Senior year, the last year of high school and I felt like all my hard work toward stellar grades went completely unnoticed. The frustration brewing inside me mirrored the storm clouds gathering overhead. Something in the air felt wrong, and the wrongness vibrated in my cells, much like the voice grumbling in my ear, snapping me to attention.

"Hey, are you still there?"

"Uh, sorry Chelsea ..." I said into my smart-phone.

"Whatever. As I was saying—it would be rockin' if you ditched Kaito at the Halloween party tonight."

"Ugh, don't worry—if he starts arguing with me again then I'm officially done."

Chelsea snorted through the earpiece. "Sure, I've heard that a million times."

"You don't have to believe me—"

"I don't. You say that every time you get angry at him."

Even though she was absolutely right, I cringed at the inevitable conversation if I did not change the subject quick. "Did you get your costume finished?"

Every year since seventh grade, Rory and Chelsea and I banded together to plan and make our costumes for Halloween. Rory usually dressed in drag to make all the straight boys squirm, and this year, Chelsea opted for a dangerous man-eating hussy from one of her dusty old fables. For me, it was all about the sparkling cape and gothic, vampy dress. Brooding matched my mood.

"Last touches went on this morning. Medusa's gonna stone-cold-chill some hotties tonight!"

Picturing Chelsea's thick, red hair twisted into snakes sticking out of her head was enough to send me into a fit of giggles. The screen door opened, interrupting our chat.

I glanced behind me at the stern figure in the doorway who commanded, "It's time for me to go to work, and for you to get inside. It's freezing out here, and you've been on the phone long enough."

"Sure Dad, I'll be right in," I answered as he went back inside, the screen banging behind him. I focused on the conversation with Chelsea. "Sorry, gotta go—another parental free week for me. I don't understand why I can't go with them."

"No way—then you'd miss Halloween with us! Anyway, guess you'll be picking up the loser air-steak boyfriend, so, I'll see you at the party ..."

Fall's numbing fingers danced a creepy number along my spine. I really did not want my Dad to go.

My legs stomped past the parental unit as I made for the stairs.

"Amarilis Kathleen Tindale!" the parental unit called. The use of my full name alerted me to trouble.

"What Dad?" He was gearing up for a scolding, and that was fine, as long as it kept him in the house longer.

"For heaven's sake, you're almost eighteen and you still pout like a baby every time Raina and I take off on business."

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