Chapter 2

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It was already late in the afternoon when Yeonjun Hyung texted him and all he wanted was to lay down in comfort and peace. But how could he possibly do that if the very same walls he thought provided a sanctuary and a cloud of reverie turned out to be an Enfer, a dreadful, grim, full of distressing thoughts that anytime could destroy his remaining sanity. 
So instead of mopping in his soft, creamy white sheets and the cotton-candy gel diffuser permeating around the room, he languidly wakes up and grabs his blossom (Power puff girls) towel. When he takes a step outside, he already notices the unsightly whispers and unpleasant stares coming from the members.  

He does not know why each time he goes out these days, the members's eyes are very much intrigued by what he is up to. Clearly investigating with a prominent inquisitiveness. But he does not care, nonetheless of the piercing eyes and god-knows-what murmurs they are speaking of, all he wants to do is to get out of this suffocating place and go where someone really needed him. 

He took a glimpse of them and immediately the members averted their gazes, focusing on the horror-thriller movie with a lot of sex scenes. Clearly, the silent treatment is still in place. As he opens the door that leads to the bathroom, only there he sighs in relief. Relief from the constant observation and cold stares he received from the members. 

"If they don't want me then fuck them," Sunoo murmurs in confidence. 

After a minute of self-convincing and gaslighting. He proceeded to take a shower, scrubbing all the places, shampooing his hair with his favorite Pantene advanced hair care solution, and pairing it with a conditioner from Tresemme. But what really takes the cake are the bath salt and the body wash that scent beautifully, permeating his skin pores and acting as a sponge that soaks up the essence. 

It truly lives up to its reputation because once he got out of the bathroom, all of the members turned their heads at him. Either with a wide eye or a hint of fascination. This tells him that they really love the body wash he was using. 

He looks at them and sees them not averting their heads. The scent of Sunoo's skin is very much enticing. It can also be added that he was only wearing a towel, so part of his milky, creamy porcelain skin was indeed glowing. 

Niki showed the obvious expression when he gulped unknowingly at the sight of his Sunoo Hyung. Might so the others, but the maknae had always been predictable and an open book. There was a sign of lust and desire in his eyes. 

To avoid any of the stares, he pushes himself to enter his room. "Can't wait to get out of here," He mentions and closes the door. Awaiting him was the set of outfits he planned to wear today. It was a pastel blue V-line crop top and baggy cargo pants. But before he can wear it, the door opens secretively, revealing the maknae. 

He does not know why the maknae would want to get inside his shared room with Jungwon. Because he believed after the confrontation with the leader, he was left alone in this room leaving him to occupy all the space. So he was really confused about what was the maknae doing here in his room.

He felt uneasy with the youngest's presence but he just could not ask him to leave the room since he did not own this place. As he was admiring himself in the mirror, putting on his skin regimen starting with moisturizers, creams, and toners, the maknae purposely or not purposely collided his body with Sunoo. 

"A-ah," Sunoo hums in protest, he was not sure why the maknae would do it. Is he really that mad at the older for doing this? No one really knows but the Japanese boy. 

"I'm trying to find Jungwon Hyung's blanket." Niki reasoned out spectacularly, but he knew the younger was lying. There was no reason for him to bump his shoulders to him knowing Jungwon's blanket was on the second deck of the bed. But what Sunoo does not know was that Niki purposely bumped him so that he could feel the bare touch of Sunoo's skin visibly radiating. 

"O-okay, just be careful." He replied to the younger and proceeded to continue what he was doing. But instead of getting the blanket, Niki sits on his bed and scans him like a hawk waiting for his prey. There were very much enigmatic desires and full of troubled expressions Sunoo could not quite decipher. 

"Where are you going, Sunoo?" Niki casually asked, ever since the former fell out of the grace from the member, the Japanese boy addressed him with no respect, casually calling him by his name and not with Hyung. It hurt him deeply knowing he used to get butterflies from Niki's constant whining and acting cute calling him Hyung. 

Honestly, he was taken aback by the question. He thought no one in the members was concerned for him enough to ask where he was going. But he just cannot say that I'm going to Yeonjun Hyung to get fucked my brains out and be happy. So he opted to lie his way out, to weasel out of their grasps. 

"I'm just going outside with a friend, and you all can eat without me because I might stay overnight at his dorm," Sunoo replied timidly, he did not lie all throughout the way but still kept the unforeseen details that they all not need to know about. 
"And what makes you think we're gonna wait for you?" Niki's words were very much a poison in his heart. It gnawed deeply and carved a great remembrance that nobody would wait for him to get home and eat with him. "Uh-huh, yup I'm so deeply self-centered. I do not deserve to make you all wait." The older awkwardly laughs trying to ease the situation and keep the urge to cry. 
"Great that you understand your position, but as much as everyone's concern, it would be in your best interest to come home instead of staying out. We don't want to get entangled in some damaging rumors created from your little excursion." Niki added a suggestion but ended up insinuating a command. "Great, I'll see you before 12 or not." Sunoo's patience was wearing thin from the disrespect so he motioned the younger to leave. 
But Niki did not understand what Sunoo was saying so he stayed still, looking puzzled about what the older meant about it. "You can leave now, Riki-si, because I'm changing my clothes. You don't want to happen to see me naked, right?"
The maknae blushed instantly upon realizing what the older had just said. He prompts himself up and leaves the room with a harsh thud from the door, reverberating the walls around the corners and startling him. "Rude." He said while rolling his eyes. 
After wearing the clothes he picked and dolling up himself, he made his way outside and saw that there were only five of them watching the movie intently, leaving his thoughts to the maknae who made his way to his room. He wanted to ask where was Niki but kept himself not to. But he figured the maknae was in the bathroom when he saw the faint lighting emitted from the crevice. 

Gathering his thoughts, he makes his way toward the door, minimizing his presence so that he can pass from the members who are already glued to the couch. When he twists the doorknob, he sighs in defeat knowing no one even batted an eye to acknowledge him. So he gloomily makes his way outside where an Uber is waiting for him. 
Little did he know, the moment he opened the door, turning his back from the boys. Five pairs of eyes are glued on his back, meticulously scanning him from head to toe. There was an inexplicable feeling of feelings arising from the observation and it was incoherent. 
Arriving from Yeonjun's dorm, he stealthily makes his way inside and punches the pin code from the door. There he sees his Hyung in full glory, cooking with an apron clumsily attached to his body and waving the spatula. "Baby, you're here!" The older guy exclaims and grins widely.  
Sunoo carefully removes his shoes and goes to him with a hug. "Hyung! I missed you." The older guy returns the warm embrace and kisses the younger with desire. "I missed you too, it's been a few days since we have met. You want to eat?" He asks him, revealing what he cooks. A short-braised pork ribs and kimchi-jiggae.  
"Yup, I missed your cooking." Sunoo happily sniffs the aroma of the food. The effervescence from the food sneakily turned into vapor and wafted throughout the dorm. The older sneakily snakes his arm to the younger's waist and kisses his neck. "My sausage missed you too."  
The younger blushed at the flirty attempts of the older, he nudged him a bit and pouted at him. "Crazy, I'm just going to settle myself on the couch. Let's watch Mashle: Magic and Muscles." The older just smirked at him while throwing an obvious affectionate expression.

When they finish eating, the younger suggests handling the dishes which the older reluctantly agrees to it. But how can he resist, the Kim Sunoo, who is loved by everyone but his members. After cleaning the kitchen, they cuddled on the couch and felt satiated by their mere presence. Comforting each troubled heart from their own problems. 
"What are you thinking, baby?" Yeonjun asked trying to unlock what was bugging the younger's thoughts. Although he already had an idea about the issue, it's different when someone asks you for it giving a sense of concern. "I'm just you know ..." 
"It's about the members, again?" Yeonjun pointed out the obvious answer. The slight frown Sunoo gave was the clue that the older was correct as the bullseye. "Tell me about it, is it something serious." 
Sunoo contemplated whether he wanted to tell Yeonjun, but he knew he could count on him. The older knew all his past, his troubles, the contours of his body, and his mannerisms even if it was truly a short moment. 
Maybe that is true that time does not matter, you can have someone whom you have known for a long time but only knows you at the surface level, whereas someone whom you just met a few weeks ago can be someone you can connect with at a deeper level
"I just thought that maybe I should not hide things anymore? I'm just tired of pretending things as if this whole ordeal does not matter." Sunoo explained his troubles, he just felt suffocated knowing he lied about where he was, who was with him, and what he was doing. 
This was not about Enhypen's feelings, this was not about the six boys who treated him as if he did not exist. This was the feeling of constant seeking of gratification which ended up hurting his Yeonjun Hyung. He does not want to live a life where he can't even proudly say that he is going out with Yeonjun. 

"Are you saying you are my boyfriend?" Yeonjun asked in excited manner, his eyes speaking so much adoration and happiness upon deducing the situation. He carefully grasps the younger and shakes him with great fascination. "God, I have to tell my members about this. I'm sure Soobin and the rest would be thrilled to hear about this." 

"Hmmm, I'm revealing that we are a thing. Not exactly as boyfriends 'cause you still have to court me." Sunoo flicks the older's nose, trying to get him back on track. However, to Sunoo's surprise, Yeonjun is still happy. He was not a bit fazed about the rejection. "Great! We are a thing. God, I can just wonder how many bl fan fiction would be brewing if they knew about us."  

"Aren't you sad? That I made you wait and I just only had the courage to do this?" The younger asked trying to see the thoughts of the older, but to his surprise, Yeonjun's smile never faltered. He was grinning shamelessly. "Why would I be sad? The fact that I'm with the Kim Sunoo is already a privilege. Anyone would give everything just to have this." 

He appreciated the older's comments. It warmed his heart and gave him confidence. He could not care less about the people who did not want him.

"I know you are happy but so is Mash Burnedead, eating his creampuff. But you know what else can give cream?" Yeonjun asked flirtatiously, trying to hint at a sexual innuendo. The older's eyes are very daring, trying to spark something out of them. "I know, and I want to taste it now." Sunoo replies while softly caressing Yeonjun's dick. 

Even if it was covered in cloth, it did not hold Sunoo back to caress Yeonjun's dick as if it was a dough that needed to be kneaded. Soft moans exposed the older to be enjoying it, he opened his mouth and the sounds coming from him were entirely arousing. "Baby, you're so good with your hands. So fucking soft and warm." 
Yeonjun could not back the lust and desire he had for the younger. He instantly pins the younger and gazes him with intent. "Can I kiss you?" He asked while licking his lips in hunger. "What good asking would be, you can just go ahead." 

"Consent baby, consent," Yeonjun said and then lunged at him with hunger taking his lips like a storm ravaging the peaceful earth. Yeonjun's kiss was not over-powering but instead showed signs of adoration yet exuded a slight dominance. He softly holds the younger's waist to keep him in place while they try to explore each wet cavern. 

Sunoo opened his mouth so that the older boy could get better access to it. And it went on for a minute until they both each gasped from the lack of air, their string of saliva visibly connecting their feelings of desire. "Can I fuck you?" That was no question needed to be answered. 
It was a rhetorical question.

When Sunoo nodded, the older did not waste time and ripped the pastel blue crop top the younger wore. After removing each other's clothes, Yeonjun took his time to memorize each curves, crevices, and spots. He was mesmerized, enchanted, and engulfed in the desire to take the younger. If only Sunoo was capable of bearing a child, he would have already given him his healthy seed without a thought. He was in a cloud of reverie looking at their kids playing at the playground while they both intertwined their hands watching them. 

Safe to say, he likes Sunoo so much but not to the extent he has to ask for marriage. That was something lovers would do when they bonded enough to know each other. He has to know Sunoo more and explore his peculiarities. He has to know everything about him before he wants to commit.

It was quite an irony that he wanted to fully explore Sunoo and discover many things about it before wanting to take his hand but was already daydreaming about their kids and how they venture the married life.

Maybe he was really whipped.

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