Bebe me.

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Beautiful beaches, spicy food, and pretty girls. All the stereotypes Taehyung had heard about Mexico were being surpassed since he set foot in the country. It was, indeed, the complete opposite of his home, Greece, but every beautiful street was capturing the attention of the dark-haired man. His last-minute trip had the potential to be one of the best he'd ever taken; after all, he was on vacation and didn't have to worry about anything. And, if someone showed up asking for help, he could simply send a photo of the beautiful view from his room and "disappear."

It was ten in the morning when the boy arrived at the luxurious hotel his father had arranged for him. Kim was the son of a very successful businessman, since real estate was a "goldmine" for those who knew how to take advantage of it. At twenty-five years old, the young man already had a degree in international relations, was enrolling in an engineering school, and owned a jewelry store — which he had created with his father's help.

It would be a quick trip, just a week of rest in Mexico before quickly enjoying some Stroopwafels¹ in the Netherlands. He couldn't take much time off, but that short period would be enough. As soon as he entered the room where he would be staying, he noticed the firm and detailed structure of the place. He walked a bit more and saw his luggage neatly lined up in a corner of the room. His clothes were already arranged in the closet, just as he had requested.

Without taking much time, the dark-haired man took a shower and changed clothes, then headed to bed. He needed to sleep a bit; his flight had been long, and he needed to be well-rested to finally experience the famous "Latin nights."

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— I already said I don't want to!

That was the fifth time Jungkook stomped his foot on the ground, trying not to be even ruder.

— Mr. Jeon, please understand, I'm just following your father's orders...

Trying not to provoke more anger in the red-haired, strong-willed young man, Thiago, one of the boy's father's employees, spoke, fearful of failing to complete his task of taking him to the hotel.

— Then tell him to give orders that are worth it! I'm not going.

Jeon pointed out once again, taking a deep breath and feeling a little bad for making the man's job more difficult.

— Please... you know he might send more guards here, and they won't be as gentle.

The older man warned, watching as the redhead rolled his eyes and softened a bit.

— Fine, whatever! But I'm not going to see him."

Making Thiago smile gratefully and relieved, Jungkook huffed and watched as some employees took the suitcases — packed against the boy's will — out of the immense Jeon mansion.

— If he wanted to see me so badly, he would come here himself.

He muttered to himself, low and irritated.

It was no secret that Jeon wasn't his father's biggest fan. Both had difficult personalities, and that only helped build a barrier between them. It seemed that every time the two saw each other, the moments became hard bricks being added to a big wall. And, of course, the boy was ready to check once again if the wall was big and strong enough or if more bricks were needed.

Now, he was getting into a car, ready to spend a few hours traveling to Cancun. By his own choice, Monterrey was the city where he had lived since his childhood. His mother, Jeon Hyeni, a successful Korean actress, was probably sleeping at that time, or maybe filming, and even though he really wanted to be with her on the other side of the world, it was there, in that car and on Mexican streets, that the young man was.

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