Part 2

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3rd pov


Scott and Stiles have just crossed the creek in the nature preserve as they attempt to find both the top half of the body Scott found the night before as well as the inhaler he dropped in the process. The two are talking about the day's practice as their feet get wet in the water.

"I-I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I-I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things." Scott explained. "Smell things? Like what?"Stiles question. "Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket,"Scott said.

Stiles makes a face as though he thinks Scott is crazy.

"I don't even have any mint mojito--"

Stiles checks the inner breast pocket of his blazer and finds, much to his surprise, that there is a single piece of folded-up mint mojito gum, just as Scott sensed. Scott raises both of his arms to the side as if to say, "I told you so." Stiles considers this for a moment before he continues.

"So all this started with the bite?"Stiles questions.

Stiles seems to find this intriguing, while Scott, ever the nurse's son, is concerned that something is wrong with him.

"What if it's like an infection? Like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?"Scott asks.

Stiles gets a small smirk on his face before trying to make himself look as serious as possible, which Scott, who is walking in front of him, doesn't catch.

"You know what? I actually think I've heard of this-- it's a specific kind of infection." Stiles says. "Are you serious?"Scott asks. "Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy." Stiles messes with Scott.

Scott, still not realizing that Stiles is messing with him, starts to panic.

"What's that? Is that bad?" Asks Scott. "Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month." Stiles says. "Once a month?" "Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon. Aroooo!"

Stiles fake-howls like a wolf, and Scott, annoyed, shoves him away, causing Stiles to giggle in amusement

"Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling!" Stiles exclaimed. "Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me!" "I know! You're a Werewolf! Rawrrr!" Stiles exclaimed.

Scott is clearly not impressed by this joke, and Stiles' demeanor becomes serious

"Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon." Stiles teases.

Scott stops walking and looks around, frowning when he doesn't see anything remarkable where they're standing.

"No, I-I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler..." Scott looks for his inhaler. "Maybe the killer moved the body?" Stiles asks. "If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are, like, eighty bucks."

Scott and Stiles are still looking around when suddenly, two men in their early twenties with pale skin, black hair, black leather jackets, and scowls appear in front of them.

"What are you doing here?" Derek asks.

When Scott and Stiles, both of whom are visibly panicking, don't respond, the other man's tone is even gruffer.

"Huh? This is private property." Jordan asks rudely. "Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know." Stiles stammered.

Derek's attention is focused on Scott, who picks up where Stiles left off to try to relieve the tension

"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but..."

Scott was about to continue until Jordan glared at him, after which point Scott lost his nerve and dropped the subject

"...Uh, forget it." Scott finishes

Suddenly, Jordan tosses Scott's inhaler at him before turning and heading back with Derek the way they came without a word, giving Scott one last look and seemingly paying Stiles no attention whatsoever. Scott sighs and gets ready to turn back in the opposite direction.

"Um... All right, come on, I gotta get to work." Scott says.

Before Scott can move, Stiles holds his hand to physically stop him from walking away

"Dude, that was Derek and Jordan Hale!" Stiles exclaimed.

When Scott looks at Stiles blankly, Stiles' expression becomes incredulous

"You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us." Stiles says. Scott frowns and asks. "Remember what?" Scott asks. "His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago."

Scott looks both intrigued and concerned by this news

"I wonder what he's doing back..." Scott says.

Stiles scoffs, as though he thinks that nothing good can come of it, before walking away

"Come on." Stiles rushes Scott

Stiles finally turns back, and Scott, still looking toward where Derek and Jordan headed out, slowly follows behind him.

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