is this love?(hotchniss)

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**Summary:** During a high-stakes case that puts Hotch's life on the line, Emily and Hotch are forced to confront the feelings they've kept buried for too long.


The BAU had been called to a remote town in Montana, where a string of brutal murders had left the local authorities desperate for help. The unsub was meticulous, methodical, and unrelenting-a ticking time bomb that they needed to disarm before more lives were lost.

Aaron Hotchner was leading the team as always, his calm, authoritative presence grounding them all in the chaos. But beneath his composed exterior, there was a storm brewing-a storm that had been building for months, maybe even years. And it all centered around one person: Emily Prentiss.

For too long, Hotch had pushed his feelings for Emily aside, telling himself that there was no place for romance in their line of work, that his focus needed to be on the job and his son, Jack. But every time he looked at her-whether they were working a case or sharing a quiet moment in the office-he felt something stir inside him that he couldn't ignore. And he knew, deep down, that she felt it too.

But they were professionals. They had a job to do, and their feelings had always taken a backseat to the lives they were trying to save.

Until now.

The case had taken a dangerous turn. The unsub, a former military operative with a grudge against the government, had taken Hotch hostage after a sting operation went south. He had disappeared into the dense Montana wilderness, dragging Hotch with him as the team scrambled to track them down.

Emily had been the last one to see Hotch before he was taken. They had been paired together, following a lead on the unsub's whereabouts, when everything went wrong. One minute, they were scoping out an abandoned cabin, and the next, Hotch was gone, taken by the very man they were hunting.

Now, Emily was standing in the middle of the woods, her heart racing as she barked orders into her comms unit, coordinating with the rest of the team to find him. The fear clawed at her, threatening to overwhelm her, but she pushed it down, focusing on the task at hand.

"We've got to find him," she said, her voice steady despite the terror gnawing at her insides. "We can't let this guy disappear with Hotch."

"We're doing everything we can, Emily," JJ's voice crackled over the comms. "We'll find him."

But Emily wasn't reassured. She knew how dangerous this unsub was, knew how much Hotch was at risk. And the thought of losing him-of never getting the chance to tell him how she felt-was more than she could bear.

As the team closed in on the unsub's last known location, Emily's mind raced with everything she had left unsaid. How many times had she stood beside him, feeling the weight of her unspoken feelings, knowing he felt the same but too afraid to act on it? How many times had she pushed those feelings down, convincing herself that it wasn't the right time, that there would be a better moment?

But now, with Hotch's life on the line, she realized that there might not be any more moments. If she lost him now, she would lose the chance to tell him the truth.

"Emily, we've got a lead," Morgan's voice came through the comms, snapping her back to reality. "The dogs picked up a scent-heading northeast. Let's move."

Emily took off running, her heart pounding as she followed the trail. She wouldn't lose him. She couldn't.


Hotch could feel the cold steel of the gun pressed against the back of his head as the unsub dragged him through the forest. His hands were bound, his body aching from the struggle, but he forced himself to stay calm, to think strategically. He had been in worse situations before, but this time was different-this time, he had more to lose.

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