Chapter 1 : New start but old scars

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My life's fucked up !

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My life's fucked up !

If I had to describe my life in one sentence then the sentence would be this.No matter how hard I try to live a peaceful life some or the other thing comes in middle to rob away my peace.

Why can't I live in peace ?

After whatever things happened today all I need is a red wine and a cold bath.So I filled my bath tub it's almost 12 o' clock in Bangkok.I took out my favourite wine glass,poured some expensive red wine and gulped it down in one go.

Seeing such a luminous view from a bathroom's glass window would be a dream for many.Same was mine earlier but now it's just my daily cup of tea.

Thinking about that accident of my life that literally changed everything,I didn't knew when I finished the whole wine bottle and now my phone is ringing.

Coming out from my zoning out session I saw the caller id and it was Aanya my bestie. She knows my every secret.

After I picked up the phone from the other end she shouted : Are you deaf or dead ? Can't you hear the ringtone of your phone ! She exclaimed.

"Neither I am deaf nor dead.My phone was on silent mode"I replied.

"Liar"She stated."I know you are gulping your red wine down in one shots either sitting in your balcony or you bath tub.

Yeah she guessed it right! Only she knows me very well.

"Why would I do that" I lied again trying not to be caught.

"Don't act like you haven't seen the rumour about you and that wrecked actor Sam to be in a relationship"

"Yeah I have seen but I've already told my company and team to take down the news as soon as possible."I replied wearing my bathrobe.

Then we had a 2hrs gossip session and I drifted into a long sleep as tomorrow is Sunday.

On The Other Hand


Somewhere in a dense forest with tall thick trees a mansion which looked a decade old was built on a barren land

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Somewhere in a dense forest with tall thick trees a mansion which looked a decade old was built on a barren land.

Inside the mansion,A man laid unconscious on the floor while insects were scratching his body.The blood from his head was flowing on the floor.

Suddenly 7 cars stopped in front of that mansion. Armoured men came out of the car,and stood like pillars on both of sides of the entrance making space in between for an important person

Then the door of the 7th car,which was a black colour bullet proof Mercedes opened.A man in his mid 20's came out wearing an expensive branded suit .He was 6'4 feet tall and his muscles seem like to burst out of his coat.His jawline was so sharp that it looked like it would cut glass.

The aura he gave was just dangerous.The facial features were so nice but still his face showed ain't no emotion. He is none other than Aahvan Singh Rathore.

As he headed inside the mansion all the guards trailed behind him.Soon they reached the hall where a unknown man laid unconscious.

Seeing him Aahvan shouted"svegliarlo !"

(Wake him up)

Then one of the body guard present over there bought a mug filled with cold water and threw it on the man.

All the insects ran away and the man struggled to open his eyes.The body guard continued to throw cold water on him till he woke up.

Soon after the man gained his senses,Aahvan came close and bent down matching the level of man's shivering body.And asked in his sarcastic voice"Ora mi dici dove si trovano i farmaci"

(Now will you tell me the location of drugs)

The man with a lot of difficulty replied "Signore, mi creda, non so niente"

(Sir believe me,I don't know anything)

Aahvan fake laughed and stated "Se non sai nulla, anche tu non sei nulla per me"

(If you know nothing then you are also nothing to me either)

Having this said Aahvan signalled one of his guard,then the guard bought a riffle.

Seeing the riffle in Aahvan's hand the man started begging for a chance but that didn't affect Aahvan from doing what he wants to.

Without wasting any other minute Aahvan shot 7 bullets in the head of the man,and the man fell with a thud sound causing the area to be complete silent.

Then Aahvan stated in his loud yet cold voice"Le persone come lui pensano che il mio tempo sia libero. Per fortuna ora è morto"

(People like him think my time is free. Luckily he is dead now)

Soon after that he left the mansion for airport and his bodyguards burnt the mansion with the man's body.

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