What is the Life Line

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While we are alive there's a very clear life line (also known as "the line of sucess" or "line of happiness", whatever you wanna call it).

Beneath the line is darkness, oviously, so don't fall off.

Some people can see the line like a bright light or something. Maybe because they were born with an infinite amount of aura. It's really uncharted teritory for me, so take it with a grain of salt. It's speculations but as I'm going through this journey I will note down everything I experience.

It's also important to understand that the life line is not a hypothetical line, you are littually walking on it as you're reading this (that is, if you havn't already fallen off). Some people will try to discredit this statement but know that those are the exact people who either cannot see the line or has fallen off of it.

It should also be clearefied that the life line is indeed a straight line. You may have heard that life makes its twists and turns but that's just plain incorrect. If you are on the line, life runs smoothly forward and you wouldn't be thinking about the posibility of something turning it around.

I like to call these turning points "meteors". Their purpose is to alert you that you are close to falling off. Pay attention to these. You do NOT want to fall off the life line.

With all of this said, I incourage you to follow allong as I try to uncover more about this strange phenomenon that we all seem to somehow be intertwined with. I would also like to incourage you to note down every strange thing that you incounter while trying to stay on the life line.

To whoever is reading this, good luck!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2024 ⏰

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