*~How about...No..?~*

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August 24, 2015

I was planning on never writing in you ever again...but my mother and psychologist(Is that what it is?) think I should to continue to...Just so I have something to vent 'unwanted' emotions in. Honesty, I think I'm fine the way I am, I'm dealing with...that. If anything, all of this is just reminding me of that.

Anyways, why don't I tell you my day? Not that I'll ever forget it...having a memory like mine, it's hard to forget things easily.

Right, anyways today...well today was an important day. It was the first day of my freshman year. I should sound more excited...but I'm just not. It really was just another boring day of school--but with the twist of it being my first day. I didn't make friends, I just went to my classes, did an introduction like everyone else, then before I knew it I was home.

Though, I'm not going to lie. I didn't feel right being in that school.

Have you ever felt like there was something just staring at you and when you turn around to look, no ones there? Well that's how I felt all day.

I could have an active imagination...or I watch way too much TV...Either way, I'm beginning to think I'm being paranoid. 

With that being said...I'm done writing in here.



AN: ...It's just the beginning, Mackenzie hasn't opened up to us yet...>.< 

LOL, no but seriously, DON'T WORRY, this is only just started--it will become more interesting! xD

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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