Chapter 13 : Sent on a Chore

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The Moon Fey was an ancient tribe that harnessed the power of the moon. Legends say that some members of the tribe used to possess special powers during the full moon night. The moonlight would grant the gifted members enhanced strength and speed, making them undefeatable in any fight. As time went by, the tribe's population started depleting until it reached the verge of extinction and disappeared. Or that's what was the belief. But hearing about the Moon Fey now, Andrew wondered if it actually hadn't gone extinct.

The next day, he was roused by Kyle. It was still dark outside so as soon as Andrew woke up, he understood what was going to happen. Seeing two guards standing at the door, Andrew instantly stood up.

"They are here for you, Andrew," Kyle said.

"Morning, gentlemen," Andrew said to the guards while he fixed his messy hair.

"Come with us," Said one of them gruffly. They took him to the Lord's house and soon, he found himself inside the meeting room. In front of him, behind the desk, sat a stout old man. A bare chin and a bald head were accentuated by a gold tooth. He looked as if he hadn't gone out of his house for a stroll to shed off his fat for decades and had been piling up food inside him.

"Lord Wilson," Andrew nodded at him.

"It's Lord William," The old man corrected him with a grunt.

"That's what I meant. Would you mind sharing that to what you owe the pleasure of meeting me?" Andrew asked, the corners of his lips lifting slightly.

"You lack survival skills, don't you, lad?" Lord William said, narrowing his eyes.

"I wasn't unaware of that completely," Andrew replied.

"I don't understand how you possess the nerve to run your mouth like that," Lord William said, getting up from his seat - with his stomach shaking with the effort.

"Do you know that you were sold for a single silver coin?" Lord William continued, "The minimum I pay is a gold coin to buy people like you. Yet you were cheaper than tenth of that amount. The people who brought you seemed to be eager to get rid of you. Now that I meet you, I can see the reason."

"I assure you, my lord, that is not the complete reason," Andrew said. In his mind, he was thinking how much he could actually have been sold for. Surely more than a silver coin. Then, the door of the room opened and in came two hooded people.

Lord William sighed, rubbing his head, and said, "Look here, boy. I have a job for you and if you do it right, I will pull you up in ranks. That would be beneficial for both of us, wouldn't it?"

"How exactly would that benefit me?" Andrew asked, "I am still going to be trapped here."

The old man's face turned red and with a finger pointed at him, he said, "You shall do what I say or I will have you hanged!"

"You won't be doing any such thing," A hooded man said, stepping forward, "We need this boy as per His Highness' order. If you dare touch him, we will have to behead you."

Andrew whistled as he looked at Lord Williams's frustrated expression. The old man just slumped in his seat, defeated. Andrew was curious about this 'Highness' who wanted him to do this thing. Maybe he was the leader of this hooded gang. Or his father?

"You will be coming with us," The hooded man said to Andrew.

"Gladly. I need new clothes. This," Andrew pointed at his clothes, "isn't my style."

"You are in no position to make demands," The hooded man hissed, grabbing him by his collar.

"Actually," Andrew said, plucking away the man's hands, "I am. You want me unharmed according to His Highness then you get me something to wear. And you keep your hands to yourself."

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