Chapter 5: Marina's Death and A New Threat

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The celebration was cut short by a scream. Marina, the center of their joy, was convulsing violently. Her body arched, contorted by an unseen force. Paruru, her heart pounding in her chest, rushed to her friend's side. But before she could reach her, the medical staff intervened, restraining Marina to prevent her from harming herself.

Then, the unimaginable happened. With a sickening, wet sound, something tore its way out of Marina's abdomen. A creature, smaller but no less terrifying than the one that had attacked them before, emerged. It was slick, with multiple limbs that ended in sharp, grasping claws. With unnatural speed, it darted towards the nearest vent and disappeared into the depths of the station.

The room fell into a stunned silence. Paruru was frozen, her mind racing. Her friend, her sister, was gone. The creature that had taken her life was now loose in the station, a silent, deadly predator.

Fear gripped the Artemis crew. They were no longer just survivors of an alien encounter; they were now the hunted. The once safe confines of the space station had transformed into a deadly labyrinth. And they were trapped inside with a creature that seemed to defy all known laws of biology.

The realization hit Paruru with the force of a physical blow. This was not just a tragedy; it was a catastrophe. A threat to the entire station, and perhaps, to the entire planet.

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