Amaryllis one shot

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sighhhh too bad I haven't finished my Cordelia lore >-> damnit rosie
anyways i wrote this Amaryllis oneshot and forgot a bunch of birthdays i am too lazy to list, so uh- yeaaaaah-
but I'm alive :D


The goddess of love, a strange and simple god. Although, her front line makes her appear this bold and amused young girl, within the depths of her bloody job lies one little flaw. Gods come in all shapes and forms, yet all fall in love at least once. Some gods get exiled or trapped, and some simply have no idea what love truly is.

Yet, in the heart of the goddess of love, only ever laid one single soul that she wished she could call hers. That mortal forever remains in her heart, the endless pictures they took... everything laid perfectly in place, no?

Amaryllis shapes lovers, makes them fall into love, and leaves them together. That's what the face value of the job is, while she listens to the replays of the radio. Amaryllis knows that she has to put people together that will never work out, she knows all the words about love. Who someone likes, the gender or identity they love, etc. All those fall into the hand of Amaryllis.

She cried countless nights knowing she's put gods with people that broke their heart, abused them, and worse. Still, no amount of tears can compare to those bitter tears when she forced herself to fall out of love. It hurt her soul, hurt her job, broke everything she knew as her past.

Pieces of paper cover her face in photos of them, while she stares at that lovely young lady... she was trans, messy dyed hair, and a style Amaryllis never forgot. Amaryllis still wears that heart bracelet that was given to her, and even made a similar one for her brother so she would stop getting questioned.

Amaryllis never had a true favorite color, yet wears an orange flower. She remembers when her beloved so proudly guessed orange, because that was her favorite color too. Amaryllis never saw orange the same, a mix of the bright yellows of the flower field they'd run through, and red... the color of blood and the heart. The thing she ripped out of herself, cut into pieces and never let herself repair it.

"No god falls into love with mortals, that's a sin in itself."

She remembers when the goddess of flowers was getting scolded for that. That line never fell out of her mind, it still replays. Amaryllis adjusted the radio until the static turned into the news of a planet, she listened until the news reporter said their name. Tears ran down Amaryllis' cheeks as she remembered that love she could never have.

Darius never understood truly, he tried. Amaryllis remembers when Enyo and Darius talked to their mother for countless nights... they were worried, they wanted to understand. Themis had no clue, and Veda just spoke riddles when asked. She couldn't lie, but nobody understood the riddles to help Amaryllis.

The quiet stare in the fake backstage, Amaryllis digging her claymore deeper into a picture of her and her beloved. She knew so much, yet so little. Amaryllis knew that she had to cause Darius' trauma, she knew that she had to drive Kishi into that relationship, everything... she caused it. Amaryllis never wanted to, she had to.

If she was a painting, showing her godhood... it'd be a bloody scene, red and orange flowers everywhere. The goddess of love sitting in the middle holding a heart and dagger, her white clothes being stained with the harsh reality. Amaryllis will never be a true god, will she? Her heart being stabbed with her own weapon, just to stop the cruel fate that she would go through.

. . .

Oh what a story that is, Amaryllis.
Thank you, Veda! I tried my best!
It shows your pain, and it seems like we're almost matching.
What do you mean?
We both... oh nevermind, my child.
Alright then... if you say so!


yeah it's just a small chunk of her lore :3

sorry for my disappearance :'D school starting in two days from me "writing" this (i wrote it like one or two days ago), and had no motivation but yea

Ma is enforcing chores and schoolwork more, and I wanna actually try better than last year- so I may die even longer... but yea.

hopefully! I can get Cordelia's part out before September ends :D cause I'ma try my bestttt....


-- Rose

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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