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As if the memories have a heart that beats only at night~

Author's POV

Aadrika was snoozing peacefully when a tiny mosquito decided to perform a concert next to her ear.

She being utterly exasperated murmured a string of drowsy profanities under her breath;

"Son of a bug!"

"Mosquitoes are like relatives-unwanted and annoying."

"May you be reborn as a fly....with a worse haircut!"

However, the tiny mosquito who had slipped in through the open window, on that moment felt like a rockstar, continued singing, earning more creative curses from Aadrika's half asleep brain.

Without missing a beat, Aadrika's hand instinctively rose to swat at the offending insect, but instead her palm landed on her own cheek with a soft smack and then she cracked open her heavy lids and blinked away the haze of sleep.

She noticed that pain in neck mosquito flying away from her and she slurred;

"Fly away you stinking bastard and don't come back....until you've learned some manners!"
In a blink of an eye, her gaze fell upon on her husband.

Who was sitting up in the bed, his head resting against the headboard and his unreadable gaze lost in the darkness beyond the window.

His face was a blank slate, betraying no feeling, no expressions.

As if he was thousands miles away.

Before she could catch herself, her lips whispered "Arjun" into the silence and his head snapped towards her.

The moment his eyes captured hers, his features  once a mask of calmness now unfolded like a petals of flowers, revealing the depth of his soul. 

In the depth of his eyes, she saw the love deeply hidden inside them for her but alongside it,

A shadow danced-a flicker of fear or perhaps guilt.

"Why are you still awake?" She grilled, quietly.

"I can just close my eyes but cannot sleep. My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented."

He responded in a slow, measured tone, each word drawn out.

"You're afraid of your dreams?"

She asked, with a delicate tremble of anxiety.


He responded, quietly.

His face was a mask of serenity, a calm and tranquil surface that betrayed no hint of turmoil within.

But then, like a whispered secret, his eyes revealed a different truth.

It was as if his eyes were two dark pools of water, still and quiet on the surface, but beneath, a maelstrom of emotions churned and roiled.

Without a second thought, she approached to him, despite knowing she had an early school commitment, an exhibition awaited her.

But the sight of him in such distress was more than she could bear, her heart ached with a pain so profound.

She longed to reach out and touch the dark shadows that had shrouded his soul.

"I wish I could pour out my every flicker of light in his dark soul, I wish I could give him my every joy, my every delight, my every sunrise so that maybe for once he could dance with the beauty of life."

And if fate were to claim my last breath, I could peacefully surrender myself in its embrace already knowing that his soul once shrouded in darkness now would radiates with the light I've given."

"And for in the knowledge that my love has set him free, I'd depart this life, wild and carelessly."

Her heart whispered to her soul in melancholy, destroying the calmness of her soul for the first time in her entire existence.

As she strolled towards him, she took a notice of the slight rain began to descend upon the earth.

The rain like a celestial whispered seemed to urge her to connect with him, to share in the beauty of the moment.

She reached out her hand towards him, her brown eyes glowed with a soft, honey-like warmth, inviting and reassuring. 

"May I have the pleasure of inviting you to accompany me to the adjacent balcony, where we might take a seat and indulge in the scenic vista?"

She solicited, a small yet genuine smile touched her lips.

He was taken aback for a moment by this sudden gesture however, slowly reached out and placed his hand on top her palm gently.

And damn it!

Her mere touch effortlessly calmed the storms whithin him.

As if the parched land of his heart, once withered and dry, felt the gentle rain of her love.

And in that moment the flowers of calmness  finally bloomed in his heart, their petals unfurling like tender whisper of peace.

The moon hung low in the sky, casting ribbons of light that snaked through the inky darkness of the night and as they sat side by side on the balcony chairs, the cold wind's delicate finger traced pattern on their skin.

As the minutes rolled away in a haze, Arjun heaved a sigh in exasperation and swiftly darted his gaze in all directions and then like a small child rested his head on his wife's shoulder.   

As Aadrika was lost in gazing up at the night sky, lost in its celestial beauty and that he was there, waiting to be noticed couldn't bear the thought of being ignored by his wife for even a moment.

A soft chuckle slipped out from her throat. He felt the tension in his body ease, like a knot unraveling, as he absorbed the joy in her laughter.

Her smile, though unseen, was palpable in the sound of her voice, a gentle vibration that resonated deep within his chest.

It was as if her happiness had become his own.

His lips twitched slightly, then curved upward, mirroring the smile he knew was on her face.

"The single moon in my empty sky, whose shine is worth more than countless stars."

He whispered, his words not loud enough to get reached in his wife's ear.

This chapter, a poignant tribute to the serenity and bliss they find in each other's embrace as I wanted to write a short chapter of their love in the language of their hearts not by the shimmer of words.

I know this chapter might be boring, will try best to write the next chapter by pouring out my entire heart in weaving the heartfelt dialogues and lines :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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