A new beginning in the end.

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They were getting close to the cabin, and he knew it. As Phil looked at the map, pointing out where they had to turn left, Techno knew too. Tommy had woken up an hour prior, seemingly more calmed down from his encounter with the undead creatures. Speaking off which, they had seen them walking in the distance a few times, but the closer they got to their destination, the lesser zombies they saw. Which was good, it meant that their cabin was relatively safe. Of course, nothing was entirely safe in the apocalypse, but with all the extra measures they took with the cabin he and Techno bought, it was as good as one of the safest places in the country.

Techno turned on the radio, and the news started playing, reports of how many people had fallen to the virus was depressing to hear. Obviously, the big states and densely populated countries had fallen first, the spreading unable to be stopped when people lived so closely to each other. Phil silently thanked his parents for settling down in a small town in bumfuck nowhere, instead of taking the offer to move to a bigger city like his father’s job proposed. It probably saved his and Tommy’s life. He looked out the window, seeing the blurry trees go by as Techno started to drive a little bit faster, anxious to arrive at their destination. Looking back in his seat, he noticed his kid quietly talking to his plushies Ranboo and Tubbo, probably telling them about his adventures. When he was younger, they had both been imaginary friends, but as his son grew up, they got demoted to stuffed animals. Not the worst option, he supposes.

“Hey buddy, what are you guys talking about?” Phil softly asked, not wanting to startle the boy. Tommy looked up, and just shrugged. “They’re bored, so I was keeping them entertained.” He explained, and Phil chuckled. “Oh, they are bored hm? Not the other way around?” He joked, and his kid rolled his eyes. “Yes, they are act-actually. In fact, they’re asking when we’re finally there?” The boy asked, and he just shook his head a bit. “About 45 more minutes, okay bud?” He sighed at the reply from his dad, falling back in the car seat. “But that’s still so long!” He complained, pouting. “I know, do you want some chocolate?” He proposed, and Tommy immediately shot up from his seat again. “Yes!” He grinned, reaching out with his hand impatiently. “Alright, alright” Phil grabbed a mars bar from the cabinet, and handed it to his son, who unwrapped it eagerly.

“All is forgiven, I don’t blame you for making me sit in this car for hours anymore” his kid announced, and Phil just laughed. “Good to know bud, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t forgiven me” he said, and Tommy nodded. “Understandable, I am a very big and influ-influential man” the boy said wisely. “Those are some big words for a little shit like you” techno remarked jokingly, and the kid grumbled something. “Be nice Tech, he might bite you again” phil replied, leaning back into his seat as he recalled a memory from when Tommy had started to develop sharp teeth, biting Technoblade so hard that the man had a few small puncture wounds on his hand for weeks.

His friend was about to reply, when he suddenly hit the brakes. “Fuck-“ he yelled, and Phil immediately shot up, instinctively putting his arm in front of his kid as well as he could. “Shit- I think I hit something.” Turning of the engine, Techno unbuckled his seatbelt and quickly stepped out of the car. As his friend walked to the front, Phil made sure that Tommy was okay, checking if the boy had any injuries from the cutting off the seatbelt or abrupt stop. Luckily, the kid was okay, but the same couldn’t be said for whatever Techno hit, the man carrying a large shape in his arm and walking back to the car. “What was it?” He asked, clumsily making his way out of the car, trying not to break anything. “I don’t know…. A dog or something? It’s still breathing…” his friend trailed off, putting the animal down on the ground.

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