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So, prologue. This is what happened to Matilda that caused her to be... the way she is now.

Matilda POV:

I am 6 months old. I am with my parents, and I'd just spilled two of their chemicals, and gotten a glass cut from the test tubes, spilling a bit of my own blood among the chemicals. It spills on their experimental "artificial cells", and they begin to attend to me. They bandage me up and everything. The next day, Dad notices the artificial cells stopped aging. "Honey? I think I figured something out." he says. "Our daughter has a special chemical in her blood, remember?" he tells Mom. "Yes, why?" she asks. "Well, it mixed with two of our chemicals, and look here. The artificial cells have stopped aging." he tells her. "I think we discovered a youth serum." She looks intrigued. "We should make more of this. Test it on someone real." he says. "How?" she asks him. He looks at me. "We inject her with the other two chemicals." he says. But first, he takes a syringe and takes a sample of my blood. Then, he stabs me with another syringe, injecting me with the two other chemicals. "Now, we wait." he says.

Fast-forward a year or two, I'm still looking 6 months old. "Honey!" my dad says. "It's true! Our daughter's blood contains the missing chemical for an anti-aging serum!" he tells my mom. She turns to me. "Great! We've got a living bag of serum then. But... one problem." she says. "Eventually, she runs out." she tells my dad. Keep in mind, she didn't say "she'll die", she said "she'll run out". Sums up what their priorities are. "I have a solution. I've been working on a way to clone blood cells. We just need a little more blood to use in the cloning machine." Dad says. He stabs me with yet another syringe, and puts the blood in his machine. "Now, we're all set."

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