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--------------Xy-Monté Taylor POV📍Whistwor Shipping express~Kingston

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Xy-Monté Taylor POV
📍Whistwor Shipping express~Kingston

" good afternoon and how may I help you?" I smiled as I spoke to the girl who stood in front the desk I sat around

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" good afternoon and how may I help you?" I smiled as I spoke to the girl who stood in front the desk I sat around.

This past two weeks have been exceptional with working as front desk, the people here are amazing and really friendly, then there isn't even much to do, because all I do is collect their information , put it into the computer then when their shipment details come up I calculate the pickup price based on the weight from the computer then ask Cris; the guy who searches for them in the storage room , to carry them out and I place that the package has been collected on the computer.

Pretty easy ,I don't even get out of my chair much unless Cris needs help finding the boxes.

So far I've only had one issue where the package was extremely damaged and I had to get the manager to speak with the customer.

But if it continues on the steady path like this I would be sett.

" yh the name is under Sanika Mitchell and.." She gave me her named and shipping pin it came up on the computer and I calculated the amount to Three thousand four hundred dollars , while Cris went for the packages she payed .

" hey has anyone told you how beautiful you look today" Cris said flirtatiously and I shook my head while the girl blushed and allowed him to carry out the boxes for her.

He came back in shaking his phone screen with the girl's number I assume on it.

"How do these girls fall for it every time" I asked in disbelief.

Well he's not ugly and he has a very swet mouth but damn he knows how to play his cards.

" Cris see all the new girl come here come see yuh ways, yuh fi stop" Janelle came in with her box food and drink.

We can take an hour and a half break at anytime during the day as longs as we don't all take lunch together.

" a seh deh damn baby yah aguh give mi hell" she sighed plopped down in her chair as she spoke.

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