The Farm

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Firearm Farm was nothing like the world had ever seen. It was a grotesque parody of life, where the ground seemed to writhe with the agony of the souls buried beneath it. The farm stretched out in every direction, rows upon rows of guns sprouting from the earth like twisted plants made of bone. The guns were made from human bones, their white surfaces gleaming in the dim light like the teeth of some great beast.

Ben and his friends moved through the farm, their eyes wide with horror. They saw the bodies—humans who had been skinned, their flesh and organs harvested, their bones buried in the earth to grow the next crop of weapons. The guards patrolled the fields, armed with bone guns that gleamed with a sickly, unnatural light.

"Dear God," Maria whispered, her face pale. "This is... this is hell."

"Keep moving," Ben ordered, his voice tight with fear. "We need to find the storage area, grab as many bones as we can, and get out."

They moved quickly, avoiding the guards as best they could. Finally, they reached a storage shed, its walls lined with racks of bones waiting to be processed. The group started stuffing their bags with as many bones as they could carry, their hands shaking with adrenaline.

But before they could finish, the alarms blared.

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