Chapter 8

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I woke up to a strange noise and the feeling of something clawing into my sides. I opened my eyes to see a small ball of fluff with giant eyes staring at me, I mentally smiled at what I was seeing I'm so happy I brought Xyla, she just lights up my world well her and Maxy.

I jumped out of bed placing Xyla on the floor and walked out into the kitchen, "Goodmorning mum" I chirped "Morning sweetie" she replied. "would you like some pancakes" she asked and I simply just nodded, I covered my pancakes in maple syrup and sugar so you basically couldn't see the pancake "mmm" I mumbled shoving down the delicious pancakes, yes my mum made some good pancakes.

After having breakfast I walked into CJs room and shook her a little bit, he turned to face me and mumbled "what" "it's time to get up for schooli there pancakes downstairs" I replied and with that one word to jolted up and ran downstairs, how she loved pancakes.

I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, "eugh" was all I could get out of my mouth, god I looked horrible this morning. I decided to straighten my hair so I didn't look half bad today. It only took me 10 minutes and I was done in the bathroom "perfecto" i cheered into the mirror "I don't look like death" I danced out the door.

I danced into my room and through on some clothes that were sitting in my closet, a pair of black skinny jeans and drop dead shirt. I sat on my bed and looked around for Xyla, I saw her sitting half way under my bed do I reached down and pick her up, holding her in my hands "arnt you just so adorable" I cued looking into her eyes and placing her on the bed.

I walked out into the living room waiting for mum to drive me to school, "are you ready" she called out to me "yep" i replied running out the door and jumping into the car. I waited patently for about 5 minutes before I yelled out the window "hurry up you woman" soon enough she walked down to the car "oh sorry I forgot you were waiting down here" she said hopping in "mmhm" I mumbled.

"So is that boy like across the road" she questioned "he's nice, why" I replied "I don't know, I thought you liked him" she said and I just shrugged. Oh youse probably guessed that everyone already knows I'm gay, so I may as well tell you the story. Last year I lost my phone at school and it didn't have a pass code on it, one of my mums friends daughters found it and gave it to my mum, so she went through all my stuff and found pictures and messages of me and my boyfriend at the time. So embarrassing.

I jumped out of the car once we reached the school "bye mum" "cya" she replied, I walked in and searched for some people I knew. this was so embarrassing, at times like this I wish my cousins went to my school when they stayed at my house, they go home in 2 days xc

I walked up to Emily "hey boo" I squealed "have you talked to Maxy" she questioned "uh not since yesterday, why" I replied "Maybe you should" she spoke while walking off. First class bell went do I decided to head off.

I walked into history class, which I didn't mind because the only time we really had to do work was when a test was coming up and that was like 2 a year. I sat Down next to Maxy, he looked upset "hey is everything okay" I asked "yeah, just fine" he nodded, for some reason I didnt believe him and I was going to find out what was wrong sooner or later.

I sat there for 2 hours, because it was a double class dazed on Maxys looks, careful Emery dont want to have a problem in class do we, see at least girls can hide that stuff. Like I've said before I really do like Maxy and I hope I'm not the reason he's upset but I don't think Im ready for a physical relationship, I mean I wasn't only emotionally wrecked when it came to my father and no one can understand where I'm coming from, how horrible it was, being unable to control your actions and being 'watched' all the time.

Once class was finished I walked outside behind Maxy and went up to the others "hey guys" i spoke cheerfully and they all just stared at me "ah sorry I'll go" I quickly stated noticing the dis comfort, I turned around and started to walk away finding some other place to sit, wow I don't think ive ever felt so rejected in my life and they all know I hate being alone, they don't know why but still.

Emery POV:

" I feel really bad guys, he hates being alone" I spoke sadly "yes, but he wasnt the best person to you yesterday, I mean kissing and rejecting you" Emily responded, yes I told them because they all wondered why I was upset "mmhm what she said" Alexx agreed "but he doesn't even know what he's done, but I guess your right" I sighed.

For the whole day I couldnt find Emery and I was starting to get worried but I just brushed it off and continued on. Soon enough the day was over and still no sign of Emery, I walked out the front gate and made my way down to his house completely ignoring my friends telling me to slow down.

I knocked on his door and his mother answered it "hey, Maxy right" she greeted "yeah, is Emery here" i asked and she shook her head "no, he might be up at the shops though" she replied "okay thanks" I said walking towards the shops.

As I reached the shops I faintly saw Emery at the register, he's obviously been home because he wasnt in the same clothes as before, he looked upset like he had been crying. God I felt horrible about what happened, I mean I hardly know the boy but ugh, I waited outside the shop noticing he'd be out soon. As he walked out I stood infront of him "hey, I'm sorry about today, I feel really bad about it" I apologized and he just hung his head, he was really upset "you know I dont like being alone, youse all know it but yet youse still completely rejected me" he said softly "but we never knew why" I said "why are people scared of spiders, some don't like there legs while others just have a fear" he snapped "okay okay , calm down" I shrugged "I'm sorry I'm not ready" he spoke walking off. So there was a reason, well I think that's what he meant. I Also noticed he had a heap of kitty stuff, I'll have to go over tomorrow because I think he's had enough of me today.

I walked home and by this time it was dark so I decided to just head off to bed as I was so exhausted. I opened the door and walked upto my room collapsing into my bed, falling to sleep soundly.


Sorry about the late upload guys, I've had no motivation, please comment what you think and some feedback, and please vote .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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