Chapter 5

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I woke up to a pair of arms wrapped around me and a soft snore, I turned to see a very beautiful boy, noticing he was fast asleep I took the opportunity and nuzzled into his chest keeping his arms around me. I felt him stir abit. "Good morning" I spoke softly into his chest "morning, we should probably wake the others, you know with school and everything" "yeah, are you starting today" I asked with a tinge of hope in my voice "sure am, in which you'll have to show me around" "will do" I squealed and jumped out of bed, pulling out of his grasp "waaaake up waaaake up" I scream while squirting water at them "yeah that's right I have a water gun" I Warned them and they shot me dirty looks. "Calm down boo, let them wake up before you destroy them" Maxy stated "yeah boo" James mimicked. "shut up James, we have to go I've got school and you can't stay here" I said pulling James and rebel up. "cya everyone" I called out, I couldn't really hear If they said bye or not so I just left.

After walking home I almost got hit 1000 times, I mean how hard can It be to cross a road? Well obviously for me it's like rocket science. I knocked on the door for like 10 minutes before it swung open, I ruffled CJs hair before walking into the the house, she growled at me and layed on the couch "aren't you going to school today" I asked looking at her "no I have the flu, I was asleep untill you got here" he responded slowly falling back asleep "oh sorry sis" I said creeping back up to my bedroom. I shut my door and proceeded to get changed, I slipped on my denim knee length shorts and my school shirt in which I hardly wear, I walked into my bathroom looking sexy as ever and styled my hair, spiking it up a little. Once I was happy with my appearance I walked into the living room "muuuum can you give me a ride to school" I begged "where we're you last night" she groaned "oh we all slept at maxys last night after the movies" I explained "whatever get in the car".

I decided to wait out the front for Maxy seeming he wouldnt have a clue what to do, sort off like a headless chicken. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I swear I jumped to space and back "Jesus Christ Maxy you little fucking shit" I screamed "sorry sorry dont kill me" he pleaded "i would never do such a thing" I dragged him to the office once the bell went. "uuh he's new" I explained "and he can't talk for himself why?" the office lady grumbled "can you just give him his timetable miss" I really didn't want to put up with her shit today, "name" "Maxy Faux" he stated, she printed out his time table and we walked out. "well isn't she a total bitch" Maxy spoke as soon as we got out of hearing distance "yeah she hates me ever since I yelled at her" "why did you yell at her" he asked "because she took my phone and threatened to keep it" he shook his head a me and looked at his timetable "uum wheres R14" he asked confused, I grabbed his timetable and studied it "you have pretty much all the same classes as me" i said walking him to class. I knocked on the door and patiently waited, Sam kindly opened the door stared at Maxy " Maxy Sam, Sam Maxy" I spoke and walked into the room pulling Maxy with me. "hello everybody" I yelled across the room and took my seat "sit next to me" I said to Maxy, he did as he was told and sat next to me. "boys will you get your stuff out please" the teacher asked "today youse can all just relax and revise over your books, I'm exhausted and it's only the morning" there was a roar of cheers throughout the classroom "you go miss" one student yelled out.

Maxy, Sam and I walked into the cafeteria after class was finished and sat at our usual table next to Emily and james, "oh look Emerys actually wearing uniform today" Emily joked "will youse all shut up, I go by the rules every now and then" i retorted "Oooh Emerys I good boy now" James said, I pouted and looked Maxy "they're being mean to me Max" "awe, you'll live" he responded "well fine, youse all hate me" i said walking away.

Maxy's POV:

"I'll go get him" I said standing up walking after Emery, where did that boy get to?. My goodness he was cute, I love it when he gets all shy at times, snapping me out of my little day dream was the sound of screaming, I turned the corner to see Emery up against the wall by these 2 guys who looked to be the same age maybe older, "Oi leave him alone, what has he ever done to you" i yelled , they just snickered and began to walk away but not without saying 'funny, you look like your father' I saw Emery flinch at their words, to think about it I've never met his dad I might ask him about it later. "hey are you okay boo?" I asked him worried, he just nodded and hugged me "please dont tell the others" I agreed with him "do you just want to skip and go home?" he nodded slowly, I grabbed his hand leading him outside through the crowed, he turned to me "do you wanna stay at mine tonight, I don't like being home alone" emery asked, I just smiled and nodded.

Emerys POV:

He stood up for me, Maxy was there for me when no one else was, omg I loved this boy well not literally but you know what I mean and guess what he's staying with me tonight yay! Fanboy moment. We walked home in a comfortable silence and i unlocked my door to an empty house, I'm assuming Maxy's not bothering with going home seeming he's just across the road. "thanks for staying with me" I told him going up to my room, "eh it's okay boo" he said sitting on my bed, oh I loved how he called me boo it's just so adorable. "so what do you want to do" I asked sitting next to him "video games" he chirped.

After hours of playing we somehow ended up snuggling each other "thanks for sticking up for me today" I said looking up at him "no problem boo oh and ive been meaning to ask about your dad, i heard the boys sat something about him and you flinched" he responded "uum, hes just on holidays and they always say stupid things like that"I said with my voice a little shaky even though I don't think he believed me, he just nodded and after about a minute of silence He slowly leant in shutting his eyes, omg omg omg he's going to kiss me!!! Not long after I felt his Sweet luscious lips touch mine, I almost immediately kisses back, closing my eyes, I felt him smile and pull away. "We should probably get some sleep before school tomorrow", I nodded and fell asleep in his arms.


Ooooh I wonder if Emery will tell Maxy the truth and what was that, a kiss? Will it last or will they back out . Comment your thoughts and on what you think should happen. Dont forget to vote.

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