Episode 10: Deku vs. Bakugo

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After being knocked down by XLR8, Bakugo gets back up and looks at his opponent in shock. That shock quickly turns into fury. "It doesn't matter how many freaks you transform into. Taking me on alone is a very ballsy move."

XLR8 smirks and glares at his opponent. "You want a fight, Kacchan?" He puts his visor on. "You got one."

Bakugo glares and charges at him, shooting multiple explosions at him, but XLR8 leaps over him and delivers a kick in his back.

XLR8 lands on the ground. "Is that all you got?"

Bakugo turns around and growls. "Shut up!" He throws some more explosions at him.

XLR8 dodges them and sprints away.

"Catch me if you can." XLR8 taunted, lifting up his visor and giving a smirk.

Bakugo growls and runs after him. This leads to a manhunt, ticking the bomber boy off even more.

"URRGH! Damn it! You've been tricking me for years by acting weak!  Bet you've been laughing behind my back for years, huh? Doesn't matter! You'll never beat me, Deku!"

Monitor room

"That guy has some real anger issues. Kinda scary..." Kaminari said.

All Might watches, holding onto his earphone. 'Midoriya told me that young Bakugo thinks very highly of himself. This level of pride is something worse. It may end up being his demise.'


At one of the walls, XLR8 stops and takes his visor off. 

'Good, he's completely forgotten my partners. Just like I thought. If they wanted to stop us here, it should've been Iida. He's way faster after all. I don't know about Ben, but they should be on their guard. That probably means Kacchan's gone rogue. They aren't working together, but Ben and Iida could be a good team themselves. If we took those three on head-to-head, then it would be a close battle. I can't go after the weapon with them right now with Kacchan on my tail. So I'll have to take him out myself, and then join the others. It will be a three-on-two battle. Good thing the time on my transformations increased to 30 minutes. Guess that training paid off. I got this!'

Then, a voice snaps him out of his thoughts.

"Stop hiding! Come out and fight me you coward!"

XLR8 grinds his teeth and remembers all the times Bakugo bullied him.

'Bakugo, after all this time, I've been wanting to tell you something. I take back everything I said.'

Meanwhile, Bakugo walks through the halls, remembering when he and Izuku were kids.


We see a young Izuku, Bakugo, and three other kids walking on a log. Bakugo, leading the group, sings a song, but loses his footing and falls off the log.

"WOAH!" He then hits the water.

The others look in concern.

"Kacchan! Are you okay?"

"Should we help him?"

"Oh, don't worry. Kacchan is super tough."

As Bakugo gets out of the water, he hears footsteps. The boy turns to see Izuku, lending his hand out.

"Are you alright?"

Bakugo however, growls at this.

Flashback ends...

'I was just fine on my own. I don't need your help, and I don't want your help! I'm so much better than you are!'


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