Space, above Earth's orbit...
The alien's ship continues to orbit Earth. Inside, on a levitating platform, three spotlights shine on three bounty hunters.
They hear a voice over the speakers.
"Begin the audition."
The first one immediately fires up his jetpack and lands in a circle of drones. He pulls out one of his blasters and shoots them down. The drones try to fire back, but the hunter rolls out of the way and fires small rockets from his wrist in retaliation. He then pulls out a grenade for another cluster of drones, blowing them to pieces.
The second bounty hunter jumps own to join the party. He pounds one of the drones on his way down and grabs another with his massive claw, using it as a projectile against another. Two more drones rush in to try and do a surprise attack. However, the crab catches one with his claw and splits the other in two with a sword.
A platform opens up on the ceiling, and falling onto the floor is a gigantic mechadroid. It prepares to open fire on the two. This was the third one's time to shine. He deploys a hoverboard and rides it right into the droid's laser blast. The smoke clears, and he's revealed to be completely unharmed. Without a second to lose, he flies right into the droid's chest and delivers a punch right through it. He lands on the ground as his hoverboard folds back up. Burning debris of the destroyed drone litter the ground.
The three hunters turn to see a video screen of the alien commander still in his recovery tank.
"You are all hired. Your to retrieve the Omnitrix. The one who succeeds....collects the reward. Do not disappoint me."
The screen turns off as the three bounty hunters walk off to enter three pods as they jettison from the ship, falling to Earth.
Top of U.A.'s Hill...
When Izuku woke up this morning, all what he wanted was just one normal day of school. This was not the case, as right now, he's being harassed by reporters. One of them was a woman leading the charge.
My Hero Academia: It's Hero Time! (the pilot)
FanfictionIn a world where humans have developed abilities that are beyond our understanding, the dream of becoming a superhero became a reality. Izuku Midoriya, a big fan of superheroes, dreams of becoming one. Sadly, he is quirkless and has to deal with bot...