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"I'm ready" I call to Jomo as I put on my shoes.

Jomo comes out of the bathroom and sprays perfume all over me. We gather our stuff and head out to the car. Jomo gets in the front passenger seat and I get in the back. David turns to me from the driver's seat and asks.

"All set?"

"Yeah" I reply.

"You could've asked me, you know? Hello? I'm literally beside you" Jomo tells David.

David laughs as he backs the car into the driveway, and we drive off.

We get to the club and take our seats. I make myself a drink and look around.

The event was a Masquerade Ball. Evening wear encouraged and mask mandatory. I see the guys in their suits and tux. The girls in cocktails dresses and evening gowns. This made the club look extra expensive and exotic.

"Your idea is genius" I tell Jomo.

"Thanks babe" He smiles and raises his glass to mine. We clink glasses and drink.

Jomo pitched this idea to Joseph a month ago. He presented the concept and Joseph listened until he finshed. Joseph read all the files and asked when Jomo wanted it. I remember the girls getting so excited to dress up like royalty.

Joseph appears and greets us all. He joins us and makes himself a drink.

"I hope no one goes missing tonight okay?" He warns us and laughs.

"Where are the girls?" I ask him.

He points to the table at the far end of the room. I look and see four girls sitting together and five guys surrounding them.

"So they're basically not part of our group anymore" David tells his cousin.

Josephs nods and laughs. He sits down beside me and whispers.

"It must suck to see your sister in a club with a guy huh"

"Seeing them is one thing, but knowing what will happen after the party is enough to make me mad" I whisper back.

Joseph laughs and punches my arm. Jomo pulls me up and motions the room. I follow him and we make our rounds. Halfway to the crowd, I realize this was stupid. How would we know who would be under those masks?

Jomo seemed to realize this too as he drags me back to the table. He laughs and raises his glass.

"To not knowing who we'll be kissing tonight"

We laugh, clink glasses and drink. Jomo gets up and heads to the direction of the table where the girls were. I notice a girl walk in without a mask. She looks around and settles beside the door.

"Gale!" Joseph exclaims as the stands up to greet the newcomer.

She sees Joseph and her eyes turn big. They hug and look at each other up and down. He turns and introduces us to her.

"David, Addie, this is Gale, my bestfriend from college. She just arrived from New York last night. We havent't seen each other in six years!" Joseph tells us.

We shake hands and she joins us. Joseph offers her a mask.

"Really? She asks as she rolls her eyes.

I laugh as I make myself a drink.

"10 years of friendship and the owner of this club can't excuse his college bestfriend" Gayle says to me.

They catch up and dissolve into whispers. David and I start a game of judging people's masks. We rate them by creativity and uniqueness.

Don't Let Go     S2Where stories live. Discover now