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I wake up and open my eyes. I see Jomo beside me still asleep. I check my phone and see a message from David.

"What time are you coming home?"

I type my reply.

"I don't know. Maybe later. Why?"

I tap send and I sit up. I suddenly remember everything and start to feel numb again.

"Can you come home now please?" He texts.

"I just woke up. Why?" I reply.

"I'm already here" He replies.

"idk, Jomo's still asleep" I type and send.

"Addie please"

I type ok and tap send.

I look at Jomo and he looks like he's in a deep sleep. We were up till sunrise and he did everything to try and distract me.

I get up and grab my stuff. I text a message to Jomo's phone telling him I left and I'll be back. His phone beeps and I leave. He'll read it later.

The ride to my house felt both long and short. Long because I felt numb and confused, short because I was anxious of what will happen when I get there.

I open the door to my room and see David sitting on my sister's bed. Beside him was his duffel bag ang backpack. All packed.

I feel like fainting. The bags can only mean one thing. I hold the doorknob for support. I remember Jomo's words last nignt. "Hold your head high everytime you see him"

I gulp and compose myself. I walk towards the table and dump my stuff on it.

"Ads, can we talk? " David asks me in a small voice.

We didn't need to as I already know what's about to happen. I look at him and see the stress in his face. I sit down on my bed and face him.

"How are you?" He asks me.

"I don't really know" I reply weakly. I was too tired. I was ready to allow whatever happened next. I felt too numb.

Silence follows between us as he looks at me. He searches my face and I see him thinking about what to say or do. I break the silence.

"David, it's fine" I force a smile.

"What do you mean?" He says as he looks into my eyes.

"It's fine. You can go. It's....it's...okay." I tell him.

I can't stand his gaze so I look down.

"I'm sorry" I hear him say.

I gather all of my strength to look at him. I look at his face and give him a weak smile.

"Its ok" I lie.

He starts to explain and tell me what happened but I zone out. I didn't really care what happened. I try to listen but my ears felt too weak to hear anything.

".... what we decided to do" He finishes.

I nod to show him I understood. He takes my hand and squeezes it.

"David, I get it.... and I will better understand all of this later on....so it's okay" I assure him.

He looks at me and I take my hand out of his grip.

"Do you have to go now?" I ask him.

"Not really. I can stay for a while. Do you want me to?" He asks.

I look at him. I look at his worried face. His eyes. His lips. I want him to stay, not for while but for a long time. I want him to stay, not in my room but with me. I want him to stay with me.

Don't Let Go     S2Where stories live. Discover now