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114 A.C
Loud screams echoed through Princess Rhaenyra's chambers as she endured an excruciating 18-hour labor. Her twins seemed to wrestle in the womb, battling for the right to be born first and claim the title of heir to the Seven Kingdoms. Ser Laenor Velaryon, her husband, held her hand tightly, stroking her hair in a futile attempt to ease her suffering. Finally, the first cries of a newborn pierced the tense air—Prince Jacaerys Velaryon had arrived, taking his first breath. Laenor's face lit up with joy as he eagerly reached out to take the baby from the midwife."Let me see him, Laenor," Rhaenyra panted, her voice strained but full of yearning. With a proud smile, Laenor presented their son to her. But before she could fully take in the sight, another wave of pain overtook her, and she pushed again, bringing forth a second child—a girl, with silver hair, blue eyes, and a cry even louder than her brother's.Tears of happiness welled in Laenor's eyes as he gazed at the little girl. Though he knew neither of the children were biologically his, he had accepted this truth since Rhaenyra had confided in him before their marriage. The twins were a blessing he cherished, a family he could call his own despite the unconventional circumstances. Rhaenyra, too, felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for her husband's unwavering love.Just as the princess's cries quieted, the chamber doors burst open, and King Viserys I and Queen Alicent hurried in, eager to meet their new grandchildren."Congratulations, my dearest!" King Viserys exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with joy. "Twins—a secure line for the throne and double the happiness for our hearts!""Have the babes been named yet?" Queen Alicent inquired, her gaze briefly flickering over the newborns, her thoughts veiled."Our firstborn son and heir to the Iron Throne is Prince Jacaerys," Rhaenyra announced, smiling down at the baby nestled in her father's arms."And our sweet girl is Princess Daella Velaryon," Ser Laenor added, gently handing the baby girl to Queen Alicent for inspection. The queen seemed pleased with the little princess, favoring her delicate features over her brother's. She pressed a soft kiss to Daella's forehead before returning her to her father.As the family of four was left alone, Rhaenyra couldn't help but reflect on the unique nature of her children—twins sired by different fathers. She didn't know whether to feel shame or pride, but seeing Laenor's love for them eased her mind. Whatever the world might say, their bond was unbreakable.
126 A.C.
Daella sat under the weirwood tree in the Godswood, her best friend and aunt, Helaena, beside her. Their fingers deftly worked on the embroidery hoops resting in their laps, the soft grass beneath them a vibrant green, and the leaves overhead whispered a tranquil melody. Daella was embroidering a handkerchief for her uncle Aegon, carefully stitching his dragon Sunfyre with Helaena's guidance. Though the task was challenging, she was determined to present him with something special for his upcoming name day.Their peaceful afternoon was soon interrupted by the arrival of their brothers, returning loudly from another swordsmanship lesson at the Red Keep. As Aegon approached, Daella quickly hid her work."Would you lovely ladies care for a dragon ride?" Jacaerys asked, charming as always, as he gently stroked his sister's cheek before sitting down beside her. He offered a small nod to Helaena, mindful of her aversion to physical touch.Daella noticed the sadness in Aemond's eyes at the mention of a dragon ride. The boy was still without a dragon, and the mockery from his brother and nephews only deepened his sense of isolation."Well, that depends. Could you take us somewhere where I could search for new bugs for my collection?" Helaena asked, her voice tinged with the peculiar enthusiasm she reserved for her beloved insects."Of course! I discovered a place a few moons ago that I'm certain you haven't explored yet. You'll leave with plenty of new additions to your collection," Lucerys chimed in eagerly."Then let's go! What do you say, Dae?" Helaena asked excitedly, ignoring the grimace on Aemond's face."Perhaps you all go without me this time, Helaena," Daella replied softly, sensing Aemond's discomfort. "I need some tutoring in Valyrian, as I missed a few classes last week. I think Aemond is the only one who can help me."With that, the group left for the Dragonpit, leaving the young dragonless prince and his selfless niece behind. Aemond turned to Daella, his expression a mix of frustration and gratitude."You didn't have to stay behind. You're the most fluent in Valyrian of us all. I don't need your pity. I'll have a dragon one day," Aemond said, a hint of bitterness in his voice."I know that, Aemond," Daella replied, taken aback by his reaction. "But I didn't really feel like riding Icefyre at the moment."She gathered her belongings and returned to her chambers, determined to finish the gift for her eldest uncle.Three moons later, the Red Keep was abuzz with celebration for Prince Aegon's 16th name day. The entire royal family was present—King Viserys and Queen Alicent with their children, and across the table, Princess Rhaenyra with Ser Laenor, now heavily pregnant with their fourth child, along with Jacaerys, Daella, and Lucerys. The hall echoed with music and laughter, everyone enjoying the feast and the lively atmosphere.Aegon, after drowning in one too many cups of wine, decided he had had enough and slipped away, intent on finding entertainment at the Street of Silk. As he made his way out, a gentle hand on his shoulder stopped him. Annoyed, he turned to see his niece, Daella, standing nervously before him."What?" he snapped, the wine fueling his irritation. He wouldn't normally be so harsh with her; she had always been a soft spot of his, though he would never admit it."I just wanted to give you your present, my prince," Daella said, her voice soft yet proud as she handed him the handkerchief. "I made it myself."Aegon's gaze softened as he looked at the handkerchief, the careful embroidery of Sunfyre catching the light. He felt a flicker of warmth in his chest but masked it behind a façade of indifference."Thank you, Daella. It's beautiful," he said, trying to sound unaffected by the gesture, but his appreciation showed in the way he gently tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. He reminded himself just how lovely she was before turning away, eager to continue his departure.Daella watched him go, a twinge of disappointment settling in her chest. She had worked so hard on the gift, hoping for a more meaningful reaction from the prince but still appreciating their private moment.

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