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The next few weeks was pretty normal to the Sano household and not only that, shinichiro suddenly called a doctor to check Rui's condition

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The next few weeks was pretty normal to the Sano household and not only that, shinichiro suddenly called a doctor to check Rui's condition. But apparently they didn't even see nothing wrong to Rui and even when shinichiro explained about his illness to the doctor.

The doctor himself told him that Rui's condition was perfectly fine except he's body warmth. That got the doctor confused since there's no way this kid doesn't have any body warmth since he's pretty much alive

After the doctor examine Rui they couldn't found something wrong with Rui, except his body warmth. Then the doctor left

Shinichiro sighed and look at Rui's sleeping form. He will definitely find a way to cure him

Shinichiro left Rui alone in his room then he noticed his brother outside of the door.

Mikey flinch when he saw shinichiro look at him "what are you doing here Mikey? Didn't you say that you'll hangout with your friends?" The male asked

"Well I was about to leave but I saw a doctor left Rui's room" he said " but aniki is Rui-kun okay?" He said with a worried tone

Shinichiro look at his brother then crouch down to his level "you see I called the doctor to examine Rui but apparently he couldn't find anything wrong with him especially his illness"

"So let's take Rui some rest" he patted his head and left Mikey alone

"I hope one day that you'll be cured Rui-kun " Mikey said then left

Upon the following next 3 weeks, the Sano family was worried

Rui who hasn't been awake for the whole 3 weeks has suddenly went into a coma.

And Shinichiro called the doctor to check him up.

"I-is Rui-kun going to be okay?" Said Emma with tears on her eye's

"D-dont worry Emma the doctor is examining Rui-kun!"said Mikey. He was so scared that their new older brother suddenly didn't wake up

When the doctor left Rui's room, shinichiro along with his grandpa and siblings look at him, hoping that he'll wake up soon.

But the doctor said that he don't know when Rui will ever wake up.

Of course Mikey didn't like what the doctor said so he shouted to the doctor to examine him again.

Of course shinichiro scolded Mikey and apologize to the doctor. Luckily the doctor was nice enough to tell them that he'll check Rui every week if he ever woke up from his coma

The Sano's thanks to the doctor and Mikey apologize to the doctor for shouting at him. The doctor chuckle and left

Emma wants to cry, since her new older brother suddenly had a coma was not good for her to hear. While Mikey look at Rui's door to go check on him, but shinichiro stop him and told him to let him be for now

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2024 ⏰

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