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okay, let me just say this right now, before i go off on this ridiculously long tangent that i promise is going to be so worth your time (yes, i know you're busy doing something amazing like solving world hunger or inventing a teleportation device or whatever, but humor me for a second here 🌚), that you, peyton, are absolutely and unequivocally my best friend. like, no cap (i cannot believe i said no cap), you are the person i think of first when something ridiculous happens, and i just have to share it with someone who will get it without a second thought.

and can we just talk about how, out of all the people i could have possibly met online, i somehow ended up meeting you? i mean, the odds, right? (maybe we should start playing the lottery together- just saying, if we win, we could buy a huge house and all the people in the gc could live with us ). and okay, here's the thing, yeah, i love my other friends too, they're cool and amazing and the best, but you? you're on a whole different level. like, if there was a hierarchy of friends, you'd be sitting on the throne at the top, sipping a dr oebba and laughing at all the peasants below (no offense to my other friends, i love yall, but facts are facts 💅🏻🙄).

you know what's wild? we weren't even that close at the beginning. like, we started out as just those casual kinda friends, and now look at us. we're literally at the point where i'm convinced we're sharing a singular brain cell at this point. it's honestly so wild how we went from zero to one hundred in, like, no time at all. i remember thinking at one point, "man, this peyton person is pretty cool," and then a little while later, "wow, this peyton person is actually one of my favorite people in the entire universe, wtf???" (and like i don't even question it anymore. i just roll with it, because that's what we do).

you know how people say, "oh, but it's just an online friendship"? yeah, those people can take a hike, because this is more than just "online." this is like, "i'd totally FaceTime you at 3 a.m. just to show you this weird bug crawling on my wall" type of friendship. who cares about the distance when you've got that kind of bond, am i right? like, there are people who live five minutes away from me, and i barely talk to them. but you? i'm literally counting down the minutes until i can message you again and tell you some random thing that popped into my head, like how many licks it actually takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop (spoiler: i still don't know).

and let's not even start on your sense of humor, because holy balls, where have you been all my life? like, i didn't even know someone could be this funny, and i'm constantly blown away by how you can take literally anything and turn it into a joke that actually makes me laugh so hard i'm in danger of pissing myself? it's so freaking refreshing to be able to say whatever's on my mind without having to filter myself or worry about sounding like a complete weirdo. i mean, if that's not a sign of true friendship, i don't know what is

but let me get a little serious for a sec. i don't know if you realize it, but you're one of the main reasons i'm still here. and i'm not saying that lightly or just because it sounds dramatic. there have been so many times when i was feeling like absolute trash, and then i'd get a message from you, or we'd start talking, and it's like this huge weight just lifts off my shoulders. like, i could be having the worst day ever, and then you pop up in my notifications with something funny, and suddenly, it's not so bad anymore. you've got this magic power of making me feel like i'm not alone, even when i'm feeling completely isolated from everything and everyone. and for that, i will always, always be grateful to you.

and i know it sounds corny, but i really do feel like you're more than just a friend. you're like the sibling i never knew i needed, the one who's always got my back, no matter what dumb stuff i'm dealing with. and yeah, it's weird to think about how far we've come from where we started, but i wouldn't change a single thing about it. if anything, i'd want more of it—more stupid conversations, more ridiculous memes, more random 3 a.m. thoughts that make zero sense, more of us just being us. because honestly, who else could i be this weird with and not feel judged? (answer: no one, because no one gets me like you do).

so yeah, peyton, you're stuck with me (sorry, not sorry), and i hope you know that no matter what, i'm always here for you, just like you've been here for me. whether it's laughing at the dumbest shit ever or having those deep, serious conversations that make us question everything, i'm here. and i'm pretty sure that if we keep this up, we're going to be those old people still sending each other memes and weirdly specific stickers that no one else understands, but we do, and that's all that matters

okay, i'm done now, but only because i'm out of words, not because i'm out of feelings. but i think you get the point, right? you're the best, and i love you like a sibling, and i'm so glad we met, and i hope you never get tired of my endless messages, because you're stuck with me for life.

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